controls bad, weapons suck well most of them, you unlock cars just by playing which i like there are so many missions and there all the same

scaryiest part of this game is not being able to see anything

whos this game made for dark souls vets me and my friends could never get out of the shire its so hard so unforgiving i stuck a log with a dark rider just staring at me if i moved at all he kills me god bless you if you can beat this game or even make it out of the shire

the beginning of something great this might be a bad game but it led the way


ive played this but i dont remember it at all ill have to look this up at some point

being able to explore hogwarts is really cool and all but it and i hate to say this but it gets old and boring real fast

this might have the greatest first mission in any war game its always one of the most epic and saddest if you know the history

easyiest game ever you play 2 matchs you know the strat you never lose you never even have to try

meh it kinda started failing off at this point for me

god the music sooo good 4/5 just for the music alone

its a mess you can just play main missions but in games like these you want to do side stuff but its just a mess all of it

very additive so many plants so many ways to play and its on mobile so if ur looking for a game just to waste time in and have fun id recommend this

all the characters are unique theirs a bonus room you collect eggs all the eggs are really easy to get you get to beat the hell out of money bags best part of the game worst parts of the game skateboarding, submarine and yeah thats it

crazy taxi Simpsons addition eh yeah