i understand why people like the sims but i cant it so slow and boring but it is a sims game so help ur self

slow, stiff, boring theres nothign else to say

if ur fan of dogs the this is the game for you out this is such a long game you go from farm life to the snowy mountains to new York city there is so much to collect is this game is unreal

classic and possible the best rayman game to date when i first played this i thought the controls were stiff unresponsive the camera was shiet didn't realize how good it is though highly recommend

the time attacks were you got to press the right button insanely fast is very unforgiving you will find ur self having to repeat alot of missions due to this if ur going for every unlock able anyway

a classic that i sucked at i cant drive that cab to save my life i do recommend though if you can drive

slow, stiff, janky as fuck the agent boss fights will butcher you leave you with nothing but hate time trail for the car section i dont understand why but i could only beat it with the guy whos name i cant remember dont recommend not in any way


its a early red dead game but has nothing to do with red dead

i 100% DW3 played all of DW5 tryied this played for bout 3-4 hours and got a refund is it just me or is this one seriously boring maybe i just played the others to much

pay attention to controls cant tell you how many times i shot someone while trying to put the cuffs on them

if ur in to golf maybe like really into golf then maybe but yeah no im done

dont really think theres a game here like i played it a few times but i get to the ending real fast not gettign any new cards not caring bout anything in it, it gives me a deck i go from 1 dual to the next and thats it its old school yugioh but worse

it was a good idea having to control 4 people move them in to cover give them equipment so you have what you need but it missed the mark hard. pretty sure star wars did this type of game and that one was good due to graphics game play responsiveness progression etc. this is basically a experiment type game they wanted to try so gotta give them that

ok maybe i missed it but how are you meant to know what to do at any point in this game. gameplay slow and stiff, graphics old but it was on ps2 so ok, world map wtf am i looking at dont recommend, i recommend 2nd one even though i remember very little of it

ok ive played this game at arcade but i cant remember it like i remember it being good kinda slow it was on arcade so thats pretty normal