51 reviews liked by Duckzy14

Thanks Bethesda for sending me a copy, I don't think I would have bothered otherwise and neither should you if you already own the Special Edition

I think this is one of those "you had to be there in the moment" kind of games.

I've lost track of how many chances I've given this game since it released but I just can't get into it. The world is fine, the zombie hoards are excellent but the story and moments to moment gameplay is as fun as picking up my dogs "business" while out on a walk.

a lavish demo for the dualsense that can convince you just for a minute that all the new gimmicks aren't dead ends

As a misanthropist, I had fun. Fuck society. Burn it all to the ground.

I'm certainly happy for Harry Potter fans, but technically it's far from a AAA project, more like a class B project ("Portkey games", Seriously what a bad studio name), $60 for that is debatable, not a "seamless" open world, like for ex. "Ishimura" in the recent Dead Space remake, downloads between sections, and not instant even on ssd, poor detailing of Hogwarts, simple animations, a simple combat system based on memorizing the sequence, someone also saying a lot of "farming" starts after 10 hours. By the way, it’s an interesting decision that the game is released on PS4 only in April, I’m not saying that it’s wrong, but technically the game could well have been released on past gene right now.

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Modern Ratchet And Clank without old control scheme's go dummy, even if this was slightly too "Hand Holding" at times

I adore this game, and it deserves to be so popular. It's an insane project to undertake and the team stuck the landing- the game is more than its amazing visuals. It also is a great game on top of that!

Play this if you like run and gun classics like mega man, or cartoons/games with this aesthetic.

Perfect game made in a lab to keep you and ur little brain as addicted as possible.

probably gives the same addiction a casino would give but u don't lose money. It's perfect for that.

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