209 Reviews liked by DummyBunny

the game is pretty good, clearly an homage to wario land 4 down to using some of the same soundbytes in music tracks. shame about all the racist stereotype enemies and mcpig being a 4chan chud

the best place to hang out with gay girls who are into black dresses and have a neco-arc profile picture

It's probably just because I'm a geeky girl that likes geeky girls, but I thought this game was very sweet.

this food is so fucking good lois

this game was made by the CIA to trigger sleeper assasins, this game teaches you hate, i reached the cave levels and woke up in a cold sweat with the blood of my family on my hands. fucking piece of shit bird his mom, brothers anf the fucking rabbit can all suck my cock and balls simultaneously, fuck this game

game freak released a glitchy unpolished barely finished mess in 1996,,,,nobody bats an eye
game freak released a glitchy unpolished barely finished mess in 2022,,,,everybody loses their minds!!!!

Anyway if i had to guess im a bit under halfway through but this is easily the most fun ive had with a pokemon game in like a decade. The people putting that much ire on the visual glitches and how ugly n performance are right in that this is unacceptable from a company as big as game freak but this has done very little to actually take away from my experience. At its core its just a fun small lil open world game where you run around on a fun dinosaur and do goofy stupid shit for gyms and stuff and i like it.

Many point to the removal of random battles/trainers as the best change, but i think its easily the fact that they made the characters shut the fuck up after like an hour

"Now this is cinema" - Shigeru Miyamoto

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"getting gendered as female would send me into a rage, getting gendered as male would move me to tears, i hid behind the safety of they pronouns"...."my body continued to transition, while estrogen doesn't really do much, some things change. i developed breast tissue and fat deposits in my "feminine" places. id get angry about the effects of estrogen and how people would perceive me"

feels wrong to rate this game on a star scale, just wanted to share a quote that i related to

And they say white people have no culture...

Mori Calliope crossing over with golf is actually really fitting because both are enjoyed by racists

"i dont understand!! when does he say im yiiking out?"
"why are you criyng?"

good if you wanna install sex mods and build pretty houses

uh, idk how to word this lmfao this is uhhhh rlly weird to like......say coming from me but ive actually never related to a character as much as i relate to kara, like, idk, it just hits rlly close to home, its a sweet little game, very fun experience, uhhh go play it :). uh. thank god for autistic trans girls :P

Now here's a game with some kinky fetishes. Hypno, petplay, incest, all kinds of stuff for you degenerates. It feels pretty on rails, it meets expectations more or less but doesn't really go beyond them. I think I enjoy the idea of it more than the game itself, but it isn't too bad at all.
Also, sarah a good girl.