I played BOTW back in 2020 and couldn’t really grasp it, it being the second Zelda game I have ever played, but I wanted to play TOTK as it looked amazing so I replayed BOTW just before the release of TOTK and thank god I did, not only did it make me love BOTW but it made me love TOTK even more when playing it, the open world, sand box of this game is unreal and the story and characters are a lot better.

Spent about 200 hours in this game and loved every second of it

First and only dead space game I have ever played and I completely loved it, never playing the original it’s hard to compare the remake to it, but I think this remake looks and feels amazing! Gameplay was great, and wasn’t expecting to enjoy the story, characters and lore in this!

Atmosphere is unreal!

This has become one of my favourite horror games!

I only became a resident evil fan within the past 2 years when I decided to go and play and bunch of the games and from the games I played the og resident evil 4 became my favourite, and when the remake was announced I was beyond excited especially coming from the re2 remake. re4 remake imo is a unbelievable game and almost perfect remake, I loved everything about it from the combat, atmosphere, music and characters, I felt this remake really did the og justice and made some of the characters better than the og counter part. this game was also alot more scarier due to the realistic graphics which made it more of a horror game to me. this game does take more of a realistic approach to its story too but doesn't go too far as its still silly which I love.

I said this was an almost perfect remake imo as there is somethings I would have liked to have seen or didn't like but they are minor and didn't really hinder my experience. I would of liked the game to be more ridiculous like the og as that's what made it fun for me as it didn't take itself to seriously, this game is still silly like I said but could of done with a pinch more. and I wish some of the cut content wasnt cut, its nothing too major but it would of been great to see it in the remake.

Ada's story being cut to probably be made into dlc again is annoying.

but overall I loved this game and its definietly my favourite RE game and one of my favourite games now!

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I loved this game, its not perfect but this was an experience for me! currently at the end of my 2nd play through on new game plus final fantasy mode which has been better than my first play through.

it feels great to actually have played this game after waiting nearly 3 years for this to be released from its announcement back in September 2020, this was the first final fantasy game where I was able to join in on the hype and journey for to its release as I became a fan of the series in 2019 when i marathoned most of the series.

I love a medieval/ high fantasy setting so this games setting sings to me especially with it being more of an adult theme and darker tone. the story was great and the characters where unreal, I became so attached to Clive and the rest of the characters ( voice acting was on point! )
the lore implemented into this game was too good I love when a game has expansive lore, it explains so much about the world and characters and events but also leaves things ambiguous and up to interpretation. I loved the combat too it's not the best action type combat but I still loved it, it was so fun and flashy and it was great using the different eikons., and the music was perfect, soken never misses.

but its not perfect, I did have 2 issues with the game which could be tweaked in updates hopefully. Side quest pacing, I will always do side quests in games I can't help it but this game paces them out weirdly like you will just come from this best boss fight ever and then do like 10 side quests which slows the game down, there are implemented as if this ff14 which I love but that is an MMORPG. the side quests towards the end are really good and do a lot for lore and characters but there is too many given out all at once. next issue is the difficulty, my first playthrough was too easy imo I barely died or felt challenged, I wasnt someone who was bothered about the lack of RPG elements in the game but the more I played I felt if the RPG element were in the game it would off made the game more challenging. the final fantasy mode is great and I wish it wasnt locked within new game plus and was infact the normal difficulty as it make the game so much better for me.

this game has definitely became one of my favourite final fantasy games!

Really fun DLC, love seeing more of Ada and Wesker. liked Ada's play style especially with the grappling hook, got me right back into RE4 after not playing it for a bit.

also not expensive which is nice!

didn't know anything about this game until its release and once it did my TikTok was flooded with it, so wanted to give it a go. Never had any experience with dnd but I do love fantasy so though this might be good for me and OMG it was!

this is one of the best RPG's I have ever played I loved everything from it to the story and characters, the world, the gameplay and turn based combat. this game took over my life while playing it, took about a month and half to fully complete it about 150 hours and I never got bored as there was so much to do.

so many different choices that can make the play through different each time I was constantly thinking about what I would do different on another play through. so many hilarious moments from the choices you make and the interactions with characters.

some of the best party characters in ant game

its not a perfect game there was some issues, for instance the 3rd act feels a little messier and than the other 2 acts and the ending of the game itself feels rushed and the outcomes of one decision you make towards the end feels really strange and comes out of nowhere.

Overall this is tied for my GOTY with RE4R!

onto the dark urge play through

Really enjoyed this creepy cute little horror game, it's a fun game with good puzzles and great atmosphere. The games theme's and message are really good and it has some interesting lore too which sparks for great theories and discussions. Short but not too short. Would Recommend

onto the sequel next!

Much better than the first one in my opinion, enjoyed it a lot more In terms of basically everything from the setting to the music and plot. even the new little gameplay features such as "combat" and having another person on the journey with us

Really good sequel!

this game really took me by surprise, had a really great time with it. loved so much about it from the survival horror gameplay, to the graphics style which I love the most due to the pixel style! and the lore and story.

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completed and got platinum trophy, I loved this game had so much fun with it, from a overall experience this is my favourite of the Spiderman games, I loved having both miles and Peter being playable and they both feel different when playing them.

the performance of this game is incredible in terms of how fast everything is, the traversal of the map is so good with the added web wings which are great! I played in fidelity mode but with the 40fps on and it was imo the best setting for the game and I wish more games used a setting like this.

the story in this game I really loved, I am biased towards this game as I just love venom and always love it when he's involved with Spiderman and I loved it even more here with having harry as venom which I felt makes it more impactful as a story.

there were some minor bugs but not major, I also felt at times throughout the game that miles gets sidelined a bit. also felt like the activities such as crimes or bases/ challenges were not as good or challenging as previous games. don't know if its just me but the graphics didn't feel as good as the games before either

Really enjoyed this game, love the small type mystery vibe. The story of this game imo really carries it I was constantly engaged throughout. Loved the concept of the story and how it all played out. Characters were also great and loved the music. I really enjoyed the manuscript feature which told the story of the game. I'm not sure if this is more of a horror or thriller but the enemies constantly scared me as they just appear lol.

The gameplay though is quite repetitive and gets boring throughout the game. like I said before the story carries.

now its time to move onto Alan Wake 2!

Going from Alan wake 1 to this is unreal, so different in the best way possible love to switch to a more survival horror, fits the game so much.

Graphics are really good even when lowering the settings the game still looks great. Gameplay was great nothing special similar to that of other survival horrors. Audio design is incredible, this is what scared the most the constant noises from the taken and the taken calling out to Alan in the dark place, horrible.

Absolutely loved the story so much, constantly had me gripped throughout, never knew what to expect. loved the Alan sections as they were crazy and hilarious. Saga's story was great too loved the mind room feature for her. The way they used real life scenes with the VA's was great instead of in-game cutscenes. Loved the characters too!

The only issue I had was that I decided to play this on PC and this is quite a demanding game so overall performance for me wasn't the best but my PC isn't the most powerful.

This is my first time replaying this game since launch. When I first played this game I did actually love it even though the launch was terrible and it was a broken game, it even became one my favourite game but low down on that list due to its broken state.

after doing my first play through 3 years ago I wanted to do another play through but I decided to hold off and wait for the game to be fixed to a capacity so I could really enjoy it and now 3 years later I finally get to replay this game in working order lol, and my god was it fucking great!

this 2.1 update has really changed this game so much, firstly the game actually works and plays great, mechanics have either changed or been fully redone for instance, the police system works great now and they actually do stuff. The new skill tree with the reworked skills is amazing feels like the skills actually do stuff and you can make proper builds as I was a net runner, who specialises in snipers and pistols and I was able to do this setup properly and it fully work! So much of this game has been redone it's crazy and it all has made the game so much better than it was before.

Its not perfect, there can be minor bugs every now and again but they have been barely noticeable or a hinderance, had 1 crash. all this compared to the issues I faced on launch is night and day!

Also on my first play through I did play it on PC, but for this play through I decided to do it on ps5 as I wanted to know how it was on console, also platinum trophy. I was actually surprised at how good it plays on ps5!

I'm so happy I decided to wait on this game for another try since launch as this new update has fixed so many issues I had with the game and just made it a lot more fun, and I was able to fully play through the game in a proper way it felt like this play through was a true play through of this game,

I even got platinum trophy!

This game has definitely became one of my favourite games and is high on the list too!

Recently started my second play through of cyberpunk since I did my first play through of this game at launch 3 years ago. after the first one I held off to wait for the game to be fixed and with the new update the game has been fixed and has been an amazing upgrade. not only do I get to play the game again now fixed but I get to play the new expansion which has been fucking great!

This DLC was amazing and I loved every second of it, dog town is a great new addition to the game and the story within is really great I would say on par with the main to a degree. I loved the new characters and their involvement in the game and their relationship with v.

the endings to this dlc are so sad to me and the tower ruined me.

the side missions were great too and the gigs were actually surprising great, they really got me thinking on what to do in those situations. basically choosing the lesser evil.

great addition to the main game and actually makes it so much better, reminds me of the Witcher DLC's that expand and enhance that game too!

haven't played a 2D Mario game in a while and honestly it was so good, nice refresh on the 2D Mario's. Great puzzles too!

Also Elephant Mario.