The Arcana is the means by which all is revealed!
I have a lot to say so this will be long.

I have been waiting for this! Played P3 FES back in January 2021 and it became my favourite persona game and my 2nd favourite game of all time, Kingdom hearts 2 being first. Ever since then I have been waiting for some remaster/remake of this game as it deserved it due to its broken state of FES being stuck on the ps2 and portable being the way it is. The fact that we got this remake still astounds me, Atlus actually listened. I remember suffering through the 25th persona anniversary waiting for some good P3 news only just to get portable ported and that game really isn't for me not much into the VN style. Atlus didn't fully listen as people obviously wanted the FEMC but they never added it which for me is sad but doesnt affect me too much as I was never a portable lover anyway but it would of been great to have her here.

P3R is an unreal game and a near perfect remake for me personally, it is basically a 1:1 remake but updated graphics and mechanics with some new additions and honestly I loved this. I am biased but I didn't really want it to change major things in the game as P3 doesnt really need to be changed majorly. I do have some minor issues but they don't spoil the game for me.

The new graphics look amazing and feel great within the game. there was some small additions with the graphics that I loved such as minor ray-tracing in tartarus which was a nice touch. The character models all looked great, super detailed and high quality felt strange seeing the cast so HD. There was one odd thing with the graphics which was the dorm for some reason looking dated like it had been taken right of the ps2 without any upgrade. The game performed smoothly without any issues ran at a perfect 120fps for me as I played on PC.

The UI for this game was beautiful, so smooth and snappy, had so much going on, love the water theme made it feel like MC was drowning which is sad but sadness is this game.

The Story is still perfect as it is unchanged but does feature new additions within to help flesh things out. the heavy themes of life and death and living in the moment and not worrying about the future are still tightly wrapped around this entire game and feature In every inch of this game, which is the reason why I love P3 so much as it changed me as person with its story and themes. The new additions to the story are some extra scenes with the cast as they go through the journey itself. these extra scenes are small but add a lot. there is also some extra scenes with Strega which were great too! The new link episodes for the boys of SEES were excellent, felt like they were really important more than just the normal social links as they progressed with the main story and had to be done within a time frame before the next event happens. they weren't just some random filler side story, each of their links felt important to the main story but also their character development. such as Junpei's link being able to make a change in the story and Shinji's really developing not only himself but Akihiko and Mitsuru and their time together in the past. I would prefer if they just used linked episode for the main party going forward and keep the social links for the side characters. P3's characters developing in the main story and finding their resolution too made me feel like they were all their own person without the need for the MC, made them feel alive.

The social links are more or less the same as before which to be honest they were hit and miss which the Sun Arcana being absolute peak and the best in all of persona and then having the Moon Arcana which if you know you know. but one thing about these social links is that they are all voiced which was such a great addition makes the characters feel real and makes you more immersed with them. P3R had Recast all the VA's which did make me nervous at first but they really sound great and some are unbelievable such as Alegra Clarke for Mitsuru and Zeno Robinson for Junpei.

Tartarus is still Tartarus but with some new additions, the floors have been graphically updated and stylised to make it feel better than what it is and adds things such as the monad doors and the greedy hands to offer some different features within which was nice. I have never been bothered by tartarus and I'm someone who's loves the grind so I am biased on this topic but if tartarus wasn't for you before I'm not sure if this will really change anything but with the new combat it might. the combat is different now more akin to P4 and P5 as you control your party and the game is more balanced due to that. it has new bonuses to the combat such as the stylish theurgy attacks which look and feel powerful. and the shift which is basically the baton pass from P5. I enjoy these additions as it helps the flow of battle and adds more variety within. I will say though that like P5 this game was too easy for me, I played on merciless and did struggle from time to time but also flew through it swiftly. I don't need these games to destroy me with difficulty but P3 FES really was a challenge especially Nyx were here she didn't really pose a major problem for me still one of the best final boss battles ever!

I hate to say this but the music was also hit or miss for me which is sad as the P3 FES soundtrack is my favourite soundtrack of any game. All of the new songs such as Colour your night and its going down now were bangers but some of the remixes for the OG songs weren't such as the new mass destruction it doesnt hit for me like it did before. the new singer is amazing but the OG songs were created in mind of Yumi Kawamura the original singer and Yumi has a different voice to the new singer so I think that's why the remixes with Azumi feel strange not bad but different and I don't know how to feel, think I just need to get used to them more. but some of the remixes like Memories of the city which is my favourite track in the game still hits and Battle for everyone souls stills goes hard, even memories of you still makes me sob.

the only other thing that I was unsure of was the use of in game cutscenes compared to the anime ones. The anime ones were unreal and I loved them all especially the aigis one in December. but some of the OG anime cutscenes have been replaced with in game ones and it feels weird like MC's awakening with orpheus and Thanatos is an in game one which didn't hit as hard as it would of if anime, even P5 had its awakening in anime. this is just a nitpick but I did notice this throughout the game. the in game ones are really good anyway but their was times were it would of been nice for a little anime one.

This game made me feel all the emotions I did back when I played FES and the ending destroyed me again leaving me feeling empty which is amazing. P3 was an experience I have never felt before and no other game has made me really feel this way and being able to re-experience it all of over again in Reload is something I won't forget. It makes me so happy that so many people can experience this game in a new up to date form and for the game to be accessible on nearly every console. I would recommend this game to anyone!

Time never waits. It delivers all equally to the same end.

didn't know anything about this game until its release and once it did my TikTok was flooded with it, so wanted to give it a go. Never had any experience with dnd but I do love fantasy so though this might be good for me and OMG it was!

this is one of the best RPG's I have ever played I loved everything from it to the story and characters, the world, the gameplay and turn based combat. this game took over my life while playing it, took about a month and half to fully complete it about 150 hours and I never got bored as there was so much to do.

so many different choices that can make the play through different each time I was constantly thinking about what I would do different on another play through. so many hilarious moments from the choices you make and the interactions with characters.

some of the best party characters in ant game

its not a perfect game there was some issues, for instance the 3rd act feels a little messier and than the other 2 acts and the ending of the game itself feels rushed and the outcomes of one decision you make towards the end feels really strange and comes out of nowhere.

Overall this is tied for my GOTY with RE4R!

onto the dark urge play through

I only became a resident evil fan within the past 2 years when I decided to go and play and bunch of the games and from the games I played the og resident evil 4 became my favourite, and when the remake was announced I was beyond excited especially coming from the re2 remake. re4 remake imo is a unbelievable game and almost perfect remake, I loved everything about it from the combat, atmosphere, music and characters, I felt this remake really did the og justice and made some of the characters better than the og counter part. this game was also alot more scarier due to the realistic graphics which made it more of a horror game to me. this game does take more of a realistic approach to its story too but doesn't go too far as its still silly which I love.

I said this was an almost perfect remake imo as there is somethings I would have liked to have seen or didn't like but they are minor and didn't really hinder my experience. I would of liked the game to be more ridiculous like the og as that's what made it fun for me as it didn't take itself to seriously, this game is still silly like I said but could of done with a pinch more. and I wish some of the cut content wasnt cut, its nothing too major but it would of been great to see it in the remake.

Ada's story being cut to probably be made into dlc again is annoying.

but overall I loved this game and its definietly my favourite RE game and one of my favourite games now!

Nice little DLC, end boss battle was great too especially on final fantasy mode

Really fun DLC, love seeing more of Ada and Wesker. liked Ada's play style especially with the grappling hook, got me right back into RE4 after not playing it for a bit.

also not expensive which is nice!

this game really took me by surprise, had a really great time with it. loved so much about it from the survival horror gameplay, to the graphics style which I love the most due to the pixel style! and the lore and story.

Going from Alan wake 1 to this is unreal, so different in the best way possible love to switch to a more survival horror, fits the game so much.

Graphics are really good even when lowering the settings the game still looks great. Gameplay was great nothing special similar to that of other survival horrors. Audio design is incredible, this is what scared the most the constant noises from the taken and the taken calling out to Alan in the dark place, horrible.

Absolutely loved the story so much, constantly had me gripped throughout, never knew what to expect. loved the Alan sections as they were crazy and hilarious. Saga's story was great too loved the mind room feature for her. The way they used real life scenes with the VA's was great instead of in-game cutscenes. Loved the characters too!

The only issue I had was that I decided to play this on PC and this is quite a demanding game so overall performance for me wasn't the best but my PC isn't the most powerful.

This review contains spoilers


I loved this game, its not perfect but this was an experience for me! currently at the end of my 2nd play through on new game plus final fantasy mode which has been better than my first play through.

it feels great to actually have played this game after waiting nearly 3 years for this to be released from its announcement back in September 2020, this was the first final fantasy game where I was able to join in on the hype and journey for to its release as I became a fan of the series in 2019 when i marathoned most of the series.

I love a medieval/ high fantasy setting so this games setting sings to me especially with it being more of an adult theme and darker tone. the story was great and the characters where unreal, I became so attached to Clive and the rest of the characters ( voice acting was on point! )
the lore implemented into this game was too good I love when a game has expansive lore, it explains so much about the world and characters and events but also leaves things ambiguous and up to interpretation. I loved the combat too it's not the best action type combat but I still loved it, it was so fun and flashy and it was great using the different eikons., and the music was perfect, soken never misses.

but its not perfect, I did have 2 issues with the game which could be tweaked in updates hopefully. Side quest pacing, I will always do side quests in games I can't help it but this game paces them out weirdly like you will just come from this best boss fight ever and then do like 10 side quests which slows the game down, there are implemented as if this ff14 which I love but that is an MMORPG. the side quests towards the end are really good and do a lot for lore and characters but there is too many given out all at once. next issue is the difficulty, my first playthrough was too easy imo I barely died or felt challenged, I wasnt someone who was bothered about the lack of RPG elements in the game but the more I played I felt if the RPG element were in the game it would off made the game more challenging. the final fantasy mode is great and I wish it wasnt locked within new game plus and was infact the normal difficulty as it make the game so much better for me.

this game has definitely became one of my favourite final fantasy games!

haven't played a 2D Mario game in a while and honestly it was so good, nice refresh on the 2D Mario's. Great puzzles too!

Also Elephant Mario.

First non from soft souls borne game and honestly it was really good, more blood borne inspired which is great as blood borne is my favourite. Games story and characters are so good in this felt like the story is more upfront in this compared to other souls games which made me want to read everything and do as much as possible to learn more about the world, lore and characters. love the twist in the end.

Gameplay is really good too as its more blood borne inspired I was able to grasp this combat a lot more compared to say dark souls, got so familiar with the combat that I didn't really use any help like spectres or anything which made me feel proud lol.

loved the aspect of telling the truth or lying and how it affected the play through depending on choice.

Absolutely loved the fact that the ergo spawns outside the boss battles when dying!

The music is great too, love the vinyl records you collet throughout the game and listen to them at the hotel.

I do have some problems such as some of the bosses being annoying and most have a 2nd phase. also bosses were quite easy compared to other souls games only the odd ones were really challenging but it felt great when beating them.

game is also really linear, not really much exploration. The gold coins were pointless to me, having a real time in game timer for the gold coins was stupid and the gold coins were only used to buy the wish stones that did really give a major boost and were mostly for the spectre or for 2 animals if you want to be there friend but apart from that there is no reason for them.

Amazing DLC especially considering it was FREE! haven't played much rogue like games but this made me want to play more of the genre. loved the story being all about Kratos,

it was great


Once I started playing I couldn't stop, super addicting. loved everything about it from the style, gameplay, characters music and story. played this on the steam deck and I feel like I loved this game even more due to playing it in handheld. haven't played much rogue likes but this is definitely my favourite.

finished just In time for Hades 2!

I played BOTW back in 2020 and couldn’t really grasp it, it being the second Zelda game I have ever played, but I wanted to play TOTK as it looked amazing so I replayed BOTW just before the release of TOTK and thank god I did, not only did it make me love BOTW but it made me love TOTK even more when playing it, the open world, sand box of this game is unreal and the story and characters are a lot better.

Spent about 200 hours in this game and loved every second of it

This review contains spoilers

Finally finished this game, took a long time tbh. the way I feel about this game is the same way I felt about Remake which was a conflicting feeling which is I love most of the game like 90% of it, and the 10% I don't like is the ending and some side content. I do prefer this game to Remake overall and think its beyond better than it.

I loved this game from start up till chapter 13, there was aspects of chapter 13 that I loved but this chapter is were I started to feel negative towards the game. but chapters 1 - 12 were honestly unreal and felt like a perfect remake of FF7 in my opinion.

throughout these chapters the game basically follows the original game but just expanded upon and some new additions. the story that plays out here is just so good even having played the og it still feels good going through this story again. I also loved that they embrace the silliness of the og too.

I felt like this game compared to remake is more character focused than story focused which I loved, really got to know these characters and love them. so many great moments for each of them.

The music is perfect as usual.

the graphics were stunning and the combat is so fun and deep can't get enough of it. the mini games were addicting especially queens blood.

the problems that I have with this game is first, the open world which is beautiful and being able to experience the towns is unreal but the content within the open world is boring repetitive and feels more like Ubisoft checklist. when I play a game I will do as much as I can in said game, I'm bit of a completionism especially if I love the game but this was the first time I was burnt out from doing the open world content in a game.

and finally the ending which I didn't like. It just felt rushed and happened so quick that I couldn't even process anything. I didn't care for the final boss battle with sephiroth as it was more or less the same as the one from Remake (imo the Remake one is better). then I felt like ending was just not emotional whatsoever in fact I didn't feel anything which was weird to me, I felt like the way they handled that big moment was just done badly I felt nothing, there was no feeling or emotion when It played out I was just confused and didn't care.

This is still an amazing game and I loved playing through this massive game, honestly I would recommend to anyone, I'm about to start my hard mode play through for platinum trophy.

First and only dead space game I have ever played and I completely loved it, never playing the original it’s hard to compare the remake to it, but I think this remake looks and feels amazing! Gameplay was great, and wasn’t expecting to enjoy the story, characters and lore in this!

Atmosphere is unreal!

This has become one of my favourite horror games!