14 Reviews liked by Dydex_

An enjoyable power fantasy at times with a mid at best story!

The first game isn't amazing or anything but it at least was a decent one off. This however just feels so uninspired and like an elongated DLC. It feels both too long and too short simultaneously. The boss fights just drag on to the point of boredom and while the gameplay and graphics are fine the level design just feels mundane.

Also while I like how you can actually decapitate Stormtroopers in this which makes the lightsabers feel accurate to the films I hate how OP Starkiller is. Its like he's super saiyan and an anime character or something. It becomes a parody in this game and I'm so sick to death of Vader being defeated by so many force users between the events of Episodes 3 & 4. It just takes away the intimidation factor of his character. Also, Sam Witwer overacts his ass off. It gets really annoying how he just shouts all his dialogue.

Go into this for some decent gameplay but the story feels like a "What If?" non canon follow-up because as a sequel to the first game its quite underwhelming.

“Fate only binds you if you let it. Do what is necessary, not because it is written”

God of War Ragnarok was a game I’ve been waiting for since the post credit scene to the 2018 game, and safe to say that it did not disappoint.

The game is pretty big improvement over 2018, gameplay feels a lot snappier and more responsive, and having both the Levaithan Axe and Blades of Chaos pretty much from the start makes this more apparent.

The story in this game is absolutely amazing, pretty much a blast from start to finish, and in my eyes the standout character in this game is the leading man him self, the God of War. Kratos in the game is an absolute standout, as the game highlights his relationship with his son, his morals, and his ideals. This game has put him up there among some of my favorite main characters of all time.

The only issues I have with this game are probably some of the puzzles being needless annoying and the rushed endgame.

In short, easily my GOTY for 2022.

Loki will go, Atreus will remain.

Game of the FUCKING year

“Greatness from small beginnings”

Replaying through the first 3 games was definitely the right move before I jumped into this one, as I reminded me why I fell in love with this franchise around 5 years ago

This game is pretty much the pinnacle of it as well, having some of the best side characters, combat, music, and probably the best mainline antagonist, just barley beating out 2’s. Nathan Drake is one of my favorite main characters of all time, the first 3 games made me fall in love with his character, but 4 made me understand why I did, he’s quick witted, smart, stubborn, but willing to go to hell and back for his loved ones, and that is all incredibly apparent in this game

All in all, Uncharted stands as one of my favorites pieces of literally anything ever created, and 4 is a great reminder to why I love this series with all my heart

Naughty dog’s best game by a long shot.

I love fromsoft and I normally give their games a 5/5 after completion but there’s been a lot of things that have tested me this play through. I wanna start off and say 2 things, I’ve personally never really been an open world type guy, so the way this game is structured threw me off a LOT. I liked the linearity of fromsoft games and just going to a place a beating the boss. This game felt like it put exploring and grinding over that, makes sense since it’s an open world game, right? The other issue is that since the game is so big, fromsoft recycled a lot of bosses and dungeons which makes exploring even more of a chore for me. Another thing I wanna mention is a lot of the bosses felt like they were purposely made to be obnoxious instead of fun. You’re probably thinking “oh it’s a fromsoft game it’s meant to be hard” but that’s not what I mean. Some bosses like the godskin duo are REQUIRED to progress and are completely unfair for the player. It’s a 2v1 fight and depending on what build you have you may have to kill each boss three times in 1 fight for it to count as a victory.


The final boss fight sucks. The stage itself is not impressive at all and the only thing I liked about the fight was the first phase. The second phase is your typical annoying big boss that covers the stage with its massive body and massive aoe attacks. I’m disappointed because from the fromsoft games I’ve played the final boss fight has always been a beautiful 1v1 with a humanoid boss on a beautiful stage, this fight had neither. With souls like games, if the final boss is bad then what was the whole journey for?

But anyways enough about the negatives, I gave this game a 3.5/5 meaning I did enjoy things about it. This is fromsoft most innovative game yet. The game can be improved on but for a first crack at open world I’d say it’s a decent start. Annoying things from previous titles basically do not exist here. They gave us horses, graces are pretty generous, durability on weapons doesn’t exist, the player has a dedicated jump button, you can summon your friends from anywhere and a LOT more. I think the game is great but maybe if it wasn’t open world it would personally be better for me. I will replay like I do with all fromsoft titled and maybe my opinions will change but this is how it is for now.

i loved to grab pedestrians and pretend i was protecting them from the army guys and then climb a really tall skyscaper and then put them down at the top and pet their head :) i didn't bring them back down of course, that's their problem to deal with

My Cypher is just different 🤷🏽‍♂️

before i start a match i pray my mental health will get better yet im stuck in an infinity loop of me cranking aces and typing “your mom must be proud of you ” or “at your big age you still get bagged on?” ill one day be a better person i promise until then im making sure all these french and russian bastards will taste my african nuts on the ends on their pixelated lips... also breeze sucks

Worst fighting game out. Just fuck off

Who's doing it like the Drake brothers? NO ONE YOU CLOWN