Ok, this is pure video game

- Graphics is very good overall with some ugly textures, trust me this is not a problem at any moment
- Combat is better than Remake, with synergy attacks and abilities you have new ways to combo and do more damage
- History is VERY good, all the time the game makes you want more of the history
- Good open world, but the side quests and side activities can be boring some times
- Progression is natural, a linear area with a lot of history, than a open world area to do other activities, perfect balance
- A lot of content, builds, equipaments, materia system is good too as expected

Good ARPG overall

- Good and natural leveling
- A complete loot filter
- Great number of classes and sub classes
- One of the best systems of in game trading
- Graphics could be better, isn't better than Diablo IV but it's better than POE
- Nice boss fights during and after campaign
- Endgame system is good, but should have more content with the 1.0 launch
- The difficulty is very fair and challenging
- Doesn't insult your intelligence like D4 and you don't need a phd for it like in POE.

- Great ambientation
- Immersive world atmosphere
- Beautiful game
- Nice history
- Good characters
- Combat is bad
- Exploration is a great deception, walk to discovery secret places to find the same items that you always find in any part of the map
- Good side quests

This is the definitive fighting game of this generation

- Good history with a lot of epic moments
- The main soundtrack is amazing
- All tekken games soundtrack available, huge
- The main roster is just incredible, a lot of options and styles
- So many features, ghost battle, arcade, campaign, online
- Get ready for the next battle

- One of the best soulslike games with a Bloodborne atmosphere
- The combat is very good too, parry system is ok, enemies attack is basically based on delay
- Variety of builds, weapons e combined with the variety of arms there are a lot of gameplay styles
- Bosses are very nice, i really can't think a boss i don't like it
- Soundtrack amazing
- The lie and truth system changing the end of the game and enabling multiple endings is very welcoming
- That post credit scene

This game is SO good on his purpose, the story is sublime, gameplay is very good, the soundtrack too, i highly recomend this game

The only think to be saved from this game is the multiplayer and zombies, campaign is the worst in years

- Map design/exploração impecável
- Boss fights muito boas
- Combate excelente
- Variedade de itens, armaduras, armas e magias
- Mecânica de navegar entre dimensões muito legal

- Algumas poucas boss fights ruins
- Reciclagem imensa de inimigos
- Muitos chefes que viram inimigos comuns durante o jogo inteiro
- O jogo te vence no cansaço largando grandes quantidades de inimigos ao mesmo tempo