A wonderfully unique puzzle game that will test your brain like a puzzle game has never done before.

A language deduction puzzle game. Beautiful art. I can't wait to see what these developers do next.

Very well done puzzle follow up to the previous two. I thoroughly enjoyed the random generator option.

Decent puzzle game. Not as good as the devs best puzzler Hexcells. I felt the harder levels had more to do with luck than logic.

This is another puzzle game by the guy who brought us Hexcells. However, I don't think this game is for everyone and the puzzles seemed trial and error based using math than actual logic to deduce.

This game isn't anything worthwhile unless you like Halloween themes and tons of achievements.

More of the original Hexcells with an added mechanic and harder puzzles. Very well done. I wish there were more puzzles to play overall. Definitely a better Minesweeper.

Very well designed puzzle game. Think minesweeper but better. With Minesweeper you have to guess in situations. All the Hexcells puzzles are deduced by logic.

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This Halo entry was Microsoft's attempt to change the gameplay up and give it a fresh coat of paint as an open world FPS....

This game delivers on most every aspect of that. Has a great story compared to the rest of the series and has great new weapons and a refreshing change of ammo stands to replenish weapons. The grapple hook is the trendy new thing, but works well for the game.

My biggest issue with this game is boss fights... They are clunky and the inability to heal and the relentless aggression of said bosses make for an irritating experience sometimes.

Overall I thoroughly enjoyed it and look forward to more Halo entries.

Simple puzzle game. Nothing special.

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Overall an interesting story concept. Making Cortana the villain. Now playing as Locke. 343 went in a very different direction.

I think the game overall had a good plot, but I found it odd you don't play as Chief but 2-3 times. I was expecting to switch off which team I was in control of every other mission or so... No of the 15 missions you play as Locke 12 times and Chief 3.

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I've never played a Silent Hill game until now. This game made me intrigued in the universe and lore to know more. I will say their message about mental health and suicidality was good.

However the negative thing about the game is the running away sections with no clear direction and instant death if you mess up. Which is annoying in the last section. Otherwise cool 1.5-2 hr experience.

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I only beat this once back in 2012 and was disappointed as I was a fan of the original Bungie developed games.

This time around I have a slightly different perspective. So story wise, Halo 4 is actually pretty well done. Cortana corrupting introducing emotions to Chief and introducing a new saga.

However, gameplay wise this game is awful comparatively to the rest. Every gun feels the same, enemies feel like bullet sponges. Sprint is a nice addition, but the gun play and combat feel lacking compared to Halo 2, 3, and Reach

I am conflicted about Halo 3. The game play is so fun and engaging. Along with it's unbeatable score, Halo hits all the right buttons and engages the player.

However... I do think that Halo 3 is very simplistic and has a rushed tone to conclude the story/trilogy that Bungie set out to achieve.

Overall it is a great game, with wonderful combat and gunplay, but falters in have a very basic "Stop the bad guys, save the world plot."

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After playing the first game, this game does a great job at showing Chloe's adventure to where she is in the original Life Is Strange. The story is beautiful and show slove blossom between two teenage girls with wildly different backgrounds.

The game is basic in functionality and has no QTEs. Just basic move and interact based on the prompts. I truly think this game should be played before Life Is Strange

The game was shorter than I expected, but has the Remedy charm to it. Unique narrative and I personally enjoy the junctions similar to Telltale choices affecting the story.

Shawn Ashmore, Aiden Gillen, Lance Reddick. Need I say more?