Overall, great indie. It has wonderful sound design, a great art style and tells a beautiful story.


Game was very unique and well created. It has a wonderful art style. This game tells a beautiful story about culture and will make you reflect on how you accept or distance yourself from your own.

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This the DLC no one asked for, but I believe everyone will enjoy throughly. "Roguelite God of War? What? No way... Underwhelmed" I thought that after seeing the Game Awards announcement. Boy.... Was I wrong

It works so well, implements a well designed narrative of Kratos inner conflict of being a deity for the masses again, ties in to the old Greek Saga of Kratos, and hints at possible future Mythologies in Tyr's different combat styles. Greek(callback), Aztec, Egyptian, and Japanese.

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Coming from nostalgic lenses, this is a great game overall. Much improved story from CE, wonderful ability to switch graphics from remastered to the original. Great weapon changes. Props to Bungie.

However the game is very frustrating in certain areas with annoying checkpoint loads or checkpoints don't trigger... Not a huge deal but coming back in 2023 shows how the Xbox games don't age very well with more recent QoL changes in the industry.

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I played this game on Series S with GamePass with a nostalgic love of the game. Due to current changes in the FPS landscape, this game was much slower than I remember. Unfortunately that made me like it less.

Overall great story, fun gameplay, a good set up to Halo: CE but ultimately the game hasn't aged well.

Played with Game Pass via MCC. This was a nostalgic trip. However I remember enjoying this game more growing up. Gameplay is fun and engaging. However, the story felt underwhelming.

Okay indie game. Narration was good, but the walking sim was a little too slow for my liking. Very short game

Wonderfully created and inventive. A puzzle game like no other. The art style is beautiful. The soundtrack pairs elegantly. It is almost like someone saw Inception and said... "I want to make that a puzzle game except with an insect/sci Fi theme."

This game is worth every second of your time playing if you enjoy puzzle games.

Halo 3 ODST is a nice break from the Master Chief saga in the series. Playing with nostalgic lenses and having not played it since release on 360, the game was very enjoyable and felt more akin to modern shooters without the ability to sprint.

I believe the game falls off more in terms of story being unimportant to the main Master Chief/Cortana story of the trilogy, but it is overall enjoyable. Nathan Fillion as Buck was a nice surprise. Didn't realize the voice cast was so stacked when I was younger.

The game was shorter than I expected, but has the Remedy charm to it. Unique narrative and I personally enjoy the junctions similar to Telltale choices affecting the story.

Shawn Ashmore, Aiden Gillen, Lance Reddick. Need I say more?

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After playing the first game, this game does a great job at showing Chloe's adventure to where she is in the original Life Is Strange. The story is beautiful and show slove blossom between two teenage girls with wildly different backgrounds.

The game is basic in functionality and has no QTEs. Just basic move and interact based on the prompts. I truly think this game should be played before Life Is Strange

I am conflicted about Halo 3. The game play is so fun and engaging. Along with it's unbeatable score, Halo hits all the right buttons and engages the player.

However... I do think that Halo 3 is very simplistic and has a rushed tone to conclude the story/trilogy that Bungie set out to achieve.

Overall it is a great game, with wonderful combat and gunplay, but falters in have a very basic "Stop the bad guys, save the world plot."

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I only beat this once back in 2012 and was disappointed as I was a fan of the original Bungie developed games.

This time around I have a slightly different perspective. So story wise, Halo 4 is actually pretty well done. Cortana corrupting introducing emotions to Chief and introducing a new saga.

However, gameplay wise this game is awful comparatively to the rest. Every gun feels the same, enemies feel like bullet sponges. Sprint is a nice addition, but the gun play and combat feel lacking compared to Halo 2, 3, and Reach

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I've never played a Silent Hill game until now. This game made me intrigued in the universe and lore to know more. I will say their message about mental health and suicidality was good.

However the negative thing about the game is the running away sections with no clear direction and instant death if you mess up. Which is annoying in the last section. Otherwise cool 1.5-2 hr experience.

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Overall an interesting story concept. Making Cortana the villain. Now playing as Locke. 343 went in a very different direction.

I think the game overall had a good plot, but I found it odd you don't play as Chief but 2-3 times. I was expecting to switch off which team I was in control of every other mission or so... No of the 15 missions you play as Locke 12 times and Chief 3.