So it's just Shovel of Hope but with a new character that feels horrible to control thrown in levels not designed for him...hmm.

Very well-polished platformer that stands apart from the games it's based on. My one complaint is one of the enemy types in the lategame being particularly annoying.

Unlike most games that you're designed to play through multiple times, Peppino feels very fun to control even on your first playthrough even if you'll need a world or two to adjust enough for that. The gameplay here is amazing and the game's artstyle and sense of humor are both nice. Only things keeping this from five stars are some of the endgame levels and a majority of the boss fights not being perfect.

Game has mechanics that are good on paper but executed poorly, bad level design, very ugly graphics and horrible optimization. I don't know how you do this badly with a million dollar budget.

Pretty fun game inspired by the Mega Man games, especially the Zero series. It's an easier game but still very engaging and both the level and boss design is fantastic. Soundtrack is better than most games I've played as well.

Some people say this game doesn't hold up too well and while it can be janky, the game feel is very good for how old it is and the levels are all really fun. This is a game everyone should try at least once.

Pretty fun little strategy game. I don't find the Rabbids too annoying like most other people would say.

The game felt a bit muddy mechanically and the characters were all uninteresting. Probably just existed to fill the lack of platform fighters on the Switch before Ultimate came out and now that it, Rivals, and NASB2 are all here, there's no reason to play this one.

Better than the first one. It still felt a bit janky to play but the slime mechanic was fun and Plankton is one of my favorite platform fighter characters ever. I still prefer Rivals.

Very little single player content. Lacks a lot of polish, and although I can understand the developers not having a big budget that isn't going to magically give me reason to play this game over Smash or Rivals.

Lacks single-player content but if you care at all about Smash, especially as a competitive game, then this one is definitely worth a try. The characters and game feel here are better than Smash.

Randomized formats are a fun little time killer and as a tool to play competitive Pokemon, this is as good as it gets. Side servers are where things get even more fun but I think this rating stands whether you include them or not. Pokemon is a flawed game competitively but you should enjoy this website even if you aren't a diehard competitive player.

Well-designed enough of a game for it to be confusable with the main series games. The music is phenomenal here as well.

Only the Mega Man 4 part is finished to my knowledge but this is everything you could possibly ask for it to be. Even beyond how polished it is there's some pretty fun easter eggs they added too.

You might be better off watching someone play this one on YouTube than playing it yourself. This game is very unfair and cumbersome to learn but has a really fun sense of humor and a few interesting design elements to it.