I have a personal hatred for over-the-top gimmicks in video games and that's all this is. If you want to play a Mega Man game then you won't get that from this because you'll just be playing a snowboarding level or going through a stupid maze or doing a pointless puzzle or something.

I love just about everything this game tries to do. The boss fights are very different from the rest of the series but are all very good. Most people hate Slash Man and the Wily Capsule but mastering those was some of the most fun I've had with the series. The charge shot doing 2 damage and the invincibility frames being shortened were both great changes and I love the collectathon aspect it has. Easily one of the best classic series games.

Mostly pretty good, but the boss fights are way too simple and the endgame levels are paced horribly because of the adaptors. A strong contender for the best soundtrack out of the classic series.

The charge shot in this game is so strong that it makes your other weapons and even just regularly firing feel completely worthless. A lot of people play Mega Man games to mess around with the weapons, and they'd completely hate this one. The music isn't even anything special either.

Where the classic series went from good to great. I'm not a huge fan of the charge shot but this game counterbalanced that by making a lot of the weapons very strong. The level design is very good but I despise some of the boss fights, especially Toad Man, Bright Man and Wily Machine 2.

The first classic Mega Man game I thought was alright. Some people say the endgame is horrible but I don't think it's so bad. The weapons, bosses, and stages are all designed way better than the first two games for the most part. Still nothing too crazy though.

Not bad, but extremely overrated in all areas except the soundtrack. Most weapons absolutely suck and the Metal Blade completely breaks the game's design. I'd actually argue the level design and boss design are just as bad as Mega Man 1 even if there are things to like in both.

Not perfect but it's really not bad for a series's first entry, especially considering how early it released. Some of the weapons are really fun to use even if they hit similar spaces or outright suck. Game feels a bit slidy, there's some horrible jank and the level design and boss design both are far from perfect.

I'm already not huge on arcade-style games but this one controls especially horribly. Not worth revisiting unless you're a big Nintendo fan.

This is just about everything I'd want from a Kirby game. Love the artstyle and all of the different game modes they have.

Was horribly lacking content on launch. I bought this for full price one afternoon and finished it before I had to grab dinner that same day. The final boss is genuinely my favorite of any game I've ever played and there was free DLC added later to try and fix the content issue but my experience with the game wasn't good enough for me to want to go back to it.

Splatoon is amazing. I don't play other shooters so it's hard to say much about it but the mechanics and game feel are both fantastic. The weapons are mostly really good as well both to use and play against. I'm not huge on most of the music and the map design is not great but the rest of the game is good enough for both of those to be easy to ignore.

If this game had Subspace Emissary it would be five star, but the fact that most people would argue this as the best Smash game despite World of Light being a noticeable downgrade should speak volumes to how good everything else is.

I think this game is better than the Wii U version because it has Smash Run even if the lack of controller options does kind of sting. Not nearly as much content as Brawl despite having a better roster and looking gorgeous on both consoles.