Fromsoft Soulsborne Games by How Terrible the Poison Swamps are.

I cannot wait for the Shadow of the Erdtree swamp.

The devil made this. If the bosses in this game were difficult enough to kill you ever, nobody would have beaten this level.
Forced to go through the entire swamp every playthrough, moving one kilometer per millennium. Plus you got giant tree warlocks caving your skull in while you're forced to slow-roll the whole time.
Billions of enemies, and you got the poison snipers giving you toxic from ten million nautical miles away.
Poison Swamp but with Andre the Giant chucking boulders at you every five seconds. Pretty quick though, and much of the poison swamp isn't even poisonous.
Optional swamps, and you just run in a straight line. You can even use the horse for one of them and ignore all poison.
You barely even touch the poison, and then you get rewarded with the laziest boss fight in the whole game.
It ain't even a poison swamp, the room just fills up with gas.


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