56 reviews liked by Ecco_Chamber

I actually like the underwater combat.

Underwater combat is something I loved idk what y'all are talking about

Look, I've already gushed about this game at length before, but now it's on NSO so it's time for it to become my single personality trait again for the next few weeks. I'll try to cover some of the things I didn't manage to mention the first time around.

The NSO version has ONLINE FUNCTIONALITY!!! You can finally play the TCG on a GOOD official simulator!! Like this game is a fun enough RPG-ish sort of thing but it felt like it's absolutely screaming to be played against others with your shitty cobbled-together decks once you're done and now you CAN!! Anyone wanna throw down hmu, I will give you the business with whatever terrible deck I end up scraping together (if you meta deck vs me I will not associate with you)

The gameplay loop is just brilliant if you're into this sort of thing. Beat people, get cards, slowly build up a collection to put together a deck the way you want it. It's progression in the typical RPG sense (yeah your deck with four Bills and Oaks is pretty objectively better than your starting deck with none), but also progression that gives you more options and lets you explore funny different things. At the same time, the fact that you don't have all the options at the start forces you to toy around with weirder stuff instead of looking up "ptcg base set meta" and building Haymaker. Though some of these cards are seriously bad, so whether or not that's a good thing will probably depend on what you're stuck with. This time I managed to pull five Hitmonchans in the first hour so I'm living good (I am NOT building haymaker I PROMISE)

I've talked a lot now about how bad base set meta is, but part of that is what makes it so fun! Yeah, there's a lot of really bad cards, and there's a pretty clear gap between The Good Ones and most everything else. But! The meta trainer cards are so hilariously overpowered - to the point that later TCG would change most of them to Supporters just to have a hope in hell of balancing them! - that they single-handedly make the game incredibly fun to play. You have a really good set-up card in front of me? Okay buddy I have four Gust of Wind and I can just snipe your entire bench. Can't find the card I need? Cool I just pulled three Bills in a row and then pulled Professor Oak and it pulled another Bill and I just went though 80% of my deck in one turn and now all my guys are set up. They make the game extremely fast-paced and volatile and using them against the AI to get a full setup going in like 1 or 2 turns is an unbelievable power trip

Thematically the game is so funny. Like, the culture of this entire world is built entirely around Pokemon cards. Nobody talks about literally anything else. The only building on the island that isn't there to facilitate the TCG is some guy's house and- oh that's for the TCG as well. They have legendary cards that are protected by magic and shit?? Yeah there's magic in this world?? And it has the standard Pokemon message of treating your companions with love and care and focusing on the fun of the adventure rather than getting fixated on winning, except these guys are talking about trading cards instead of real creatures! No Ronald I will not love and cherish each of my pokemon trading cards shut the fuck up

Demon's Souls is, in a word, uncaring. A better word than 'difficult' as it loves to fluctuate between easy and hard, fair and unfair, long levels with shortcuts and long levels with no shortcuts. It is a hard game - and delights in putting you into particularly nasty situations - but it's one that, particularly with the help of healing items, can feel fairly easy to power through. Yet it all manages to fall into place; it's reasonable to muscle through but death will often set you back far more than any later, causing even the easier sections to become tense when they last too long.

Demon's Souls is, in a word, atmospheric. A game built to make you feel small, to make you feel threatened. As early in its world as the Nexus, towering and decadent yet disconcertingly empty. As early in its encounters as the Phalanx, as you bounce off its shell, step back and realise just how outnumbered you are. Boss monsters are more than just large enemies expected to be attacked and dodged like anything else, instead expecting you to find their weakness and exploit them; a method befitting foes of their size and strength. Its mood brought out fully by its soundtrack being subdued yet intimate, ominous, intimidating, and only breaking its mould for its greatest moment.

Demon's Souls is, in a word, bizarre. A world consisting of a strange selection of landscapes populated by even stranger monsters. Full of strange bosses, utilising strange mechanics that punish you in strange ways and demand to be approached as such. Backed by strange mechanics that affect your game in strange ways, which you won't even know or understand without looking them up. It's consistent and cohesive in its strangeness, and culminates in a curious and compelling world to explore.

Demon's Souls is, in a word, fantastic.

Animal abuse if it was epic

Oh Bethesda, now that you have made this gigantic game in "fuck you" size, can you just make stuff at most the size of skyrim from now on.

Couldn't really get into this because I was 2 hours in and fucking I saw no opportunity to explore anything cool looking really. I honestly do not care about flying ships or exploring planets.

I was so happy they added punching back as a real skill tree, too bad punching animations are still post-Skyrim gamebryo so they fucking suck and feel bad. I did get what I wanted in that I got to punch an alien animal and that was awesome.

I also hate crafting so much, I'm fearing that Besthesda will include that forever onwards.

Dark Souls is not the hardest From Software game

If you read the game's name aloud, it actually says "diddy's conquest"

Better than the first game, still ain't no Mario.

As much as I hate to admit it, this game is actually fun as fuck and the crossover aspect of it combined with the ridiculous dances makes this game feel like it isn't real.

4 lists liked by Ecco_Chamber