Very fun survival game, and I enjoy the art style a hell of a lot. The media surrounding it has also been very fun, and I love Webber, my we/ours baby ::::)

Truly the gaming comeback story of all time.
I will say, back in the day when it first came out, when people were screaming and crying and shitting their pants because it wasn't the Star Wars fantasy of their dreams, I was still in love with it. Since then, it's flourished and grown and become something SO much larger than it once was.
There's multiplayer and story and base building and mechs and more races and just! There's so much to do! And the community is still THRIVING with each update, it's truly a remarkable game with wonderful developers and a great community.
One of my favs.

Incredibly sad that this game died down so quickly after launch but damn was it fun while it lasted. Mowing down sheets of dinosaurs while playing a funny cute robot girl on rollerskates was a blast.
We still have "summoning raptors" as a sound on our soundboard. At the very least, you left a mark on my heart, Exoprimal.

Very fun pirate simulation. Enjoyed cruising around with my friends and wreaking havoc and uncovering buried treasure. Really exactly what it says on the tin, and I wish I could spend more time in it, but it's not high on my list of games to revisit.

While Dwarf Fortress is far more engaged and detailed, Rimworld remains my simulation game of choice. The sci-fi setting, the DLCs, and the amount of detail are just... fantastic. I love you Rimworld.

Fun cleaning simulator, and I extra enjoyed the side things to do like learning about what happened at each site and how each of the deaths of the victims are alluded to. Really neat little game, if you like sims like that. Someone else called it a podcast game and yeah, that's absolutely it (complimentary).

Portal 2 is, in my mind, one of the best written games I've ever played. The character writing is amazing, the dialogue is quick and wonderful, and the world it weaves is FASCINATING even at the small glimpse of it we see.
Portal: Revolution easily steps into Portal 2's footsteps with the grace of a true Valve prequel (halfquel? midquel? it's between Portals 1 and 2) if the company had it in them to ever count to 3. It has all of the sardonic wit and clippiness of the original, while still carving out its own unique niche with new mechanics and puzzles. Its two characters (beside the traditional nonverbal player character, of course) are full of energy and are voice acted to the moon and back. If you had told me this was an officially produced prequel, I would believe you.
There's very little to hold it back other than the shorter runtime, which is understandable due to the nature of being made by a small team. The game bugged out and soft-locked me during the final fight (god bless games built in Source) and I would still rate it as highly as I did, even without a true conclusion.
If you liked Portals 1 and 2 and want more, this is more. Welcome back to Aperture.

I do not like horror movies. One could say I HATE them, especially ones with cheap jumpscares. The tragedy, then, is that I ADORE a good horror story. Horror games blend some of the best stories I've ever read with some of the shittiest jumpscares you've ever seen, and it takes a masterpiece for me to overcome that fear.
This is that masterpiece.
From toying with video game expectations, and especially visual novel conventions, to the FANTASTIC character writing, DDLC is truly one of those games that even if you hate jumpscares and horror, you really should play. It's really, really worth it.

Hey still pretty fucking fun. Like, I remember playing the original on KONGREGATE, that's how old this series is. Amazing that it's withstood the test of time and they continue making not just games but updating those games consistently. Fascinating.

You flip houses. It's pretty fun. Very expansive.

A fun shooter with a classic vibe, answering the age old question: "what if you shot a gun through a portal from the game Portal?". The answer: kills people, if you're a good shot.


Maybe the worst "game" I've ever played. It feels like this thing was made in a lab by people who played like, Ratchet and Clank and wanted to make it appealing while still keeping the grand scope of games of that time period and failing every mark along the way. It's boring and handles like ass.

God I love you Dwarf Fortress. Fantastic game, I need to pick it back up again. One of, if not THE grittiest, most detailed simulation game.

One of my current favorite city builder games. I adore city builders and while I've never played the SteamWorld series, this was a nice introduction, I think.
Getting all of the buildings to work together, synergizing relevant buildings, and minimizing as much space as I can was already quite fun, and then I got into the CAVERNS, which opened up a whole new game. Altogether very engrossing.

Absolutely solid, fun little puzzle game. The ending was wild and the game itself was a whole lot of fun. All of the environments were rich and beautiful and the puzzles were legitimately challenging at times, but never outright unwinnably hard. Big recommend!