Splatoon 2 is fine. It's a fun game. Running, gunning, inking, Salmon Run, it's all very fun. The main campaign for Splatoon 2 was... mediocre and short.
Octo Expansion, however, blew my brain out of the back of my skull. It is packed with absolute JAMS, it's fun, it's got an amazing sense of progression, a terrific upgrade system, amazing characters, MORE JAMS, and a truly fucking MAGNIFICENT final scene that had me crying. I didn't play until after Splat 2 had nearly shut down (in preparation for Splatoon 3) so I never got to know Marina and Pearl through their Splatfests and understand how deeply connected they were. Octo Expansion still made me sob. Fucking incredible. Play it whether you like Splatoon 2 or not. Play it after Splatoon 2 goes offline. Play it until the sun burns out. It really is that good.

This game changed my brain chemistry permanently. I love you Kingdom Hearts 2. You gave me countless friends, relationships, and memories from your release to present day. For the past almost 20 years you have been nothing but a positive in my life and you will continue to be so for another 20 more.

Honestly despite everything, Minecraft remains one of my favorite games of all time. The malleability of it is commendable and the amount of time I can sink into Minecraft is truly unmatched.

Played this during one of the worst periods of my life and it was... absolutely intense. Insanely well written piece about never being able to truly go home again, and the things that change as we grow older.

I wish farming was this fun irl.

It's like the game I grew up with, but better!

One of the more fun MMORPGs I've played, and I only started playing fairly recently, in like June of 2022! It's a game I keep meaning to pick back up, and maybe my rating will change with time, but as it stands it had a fun story that I enjoyed heavily, and the exploration both with friends and solo were wonderful.
Will pick up again soon.

Clever. A very fun, very witty puzzle game with a lot of interesting routes to choose and the fun twist of adding puzzles with multiple ways to solve. All wrapped up in a tasty little retro art style and it's a very fun little play. Would recommend.

I do not like horror movies. One could say I HATE them, especially ones with cheap jumpscares. The tragedy, then, is that I ADORE a good horror story. Horror games blend some of the best stories I've ever read with some of the shittiest jumpscares you've ever seen, and it takes a masterpiece for me to overcome that fear.
This is that masterpiece.
From toying with video game expectations, and especially visual novel conventions, to the FANTASTIC character writing, DDLC is truly one of those games that even if you hate jumpscares and horror, you really should play. It's really, really worth it.

FANTASTIC roguelike game with a BANGING art style. It's got terrific music and an AMAZING atmosphere that literally cannot be beat. I still haven't made it to the end, but one day I will pick it up and make it to the very end of the galaxy, I KNOW I will. Every time I've played it I've enjoyed my time so much. A true blast of a game. Also, the computer guy is the Stanley Parable narrator's voice actor! Love that guy :)

Truly the gaming comeback story of all time.
I will say, back in the day when it first came out, when people were screaming and crying and shitting their pants because it wasn't the Star Wars fantasy of their dreams, I was still in love with it. Since then, it's flourished and grown and become something SO much larger than it once was.
There's multiplayer and story and base building and mechs and more races and just! There's so much to do! And the community is still THRIVING with each update, it's truly a remarkable game with wonderful developers and a great community.
One of my favs.

Very good little game with a very fun premise, definitely earlier on in the curve of funny indie games with a gimmick rather than good playability. And honestly, good.

(Written between the releases of Chapter 2 and 3)
If Undertale was a life-changing, revelatory game with a story that was deeply profound, a soundtrack that was one of the best and most moving in recent history, and had characters that were both relatable and sympathetic, even at their worst, Deltarune ups that ante by one hundred.
Deltarune is, well and truly, my favorite game of all time - and it's 2/7ths finished. From the first chapter and its relatable teenage characters stumbling through coming of age, to the second chapter with the more deep and interesting thoughts of lore as well as the more fucked up aspects of this universe, Deltarune stands on its own, far and away from Undertale. Even without its predecessor to hold it up, the game continues with each installment to show that Toby Fox is a master of telling a story, crafting rich characters, and weaving it all together with insane bops again and again.

Fantastic game, but unfortunately one I continue to fail to finish. Its pro-union, anti-capitalist stance is a wonderful balance to a game like this, one fueled toward making profit off the carcasses of something left behind by human waste.
The antagonist of the game feels like someone you could TRULY see in real life. The kind of horrible asshole boss that is genuinely out there, terrorizing businesses across the world.

Very fun survival game, and I enjoy the art style a hell of a lot. The media surrounding it has also been very fun, and I love Webber, my we/ours baby ::::)