It's still great and I'm still nostalgic for it, but I don't think I'll ever really stick with it past a certain point. That point tends to be "my house is done and now I'd like to go find a lot of iron," and/or "it's time to find diamonds."
The right mood really needs to strike.

I dug it! Solid. Fun story. Some of the combat not so much, but that's Remedy for you. Probably rating higher due to anticipation for Alan Wake 2.

Well. It's. Y'know. The flashlight recharged faster, and that was nice.
It's just short and repetitive and not super interesting. The people telling you to play this before AW2 are wrong. Just read a wiki or watch an LP.

That's-a nice-a game!
Beautiful in its simplicity, ingenious in its foundation, extremely addictive loop.

A completely unremarkable stew of half-baked ideas and half-hearted implementation.

Does what it says on the tin. Playing Battlefront on Switch in bed rules. Had a rocky launch that I didn't really notice, and still has some issues, most notably weird audio stuff, but it's largely fine. At the end of the day, I'm really only ever jumping into a handful of Instant Action matches, so for me this is good.

STEAM DEMO REVIEW - There's a lot to like here. I like the idea of mashing together a dungeon crawler with a typing game. Seems like this mashes those two together very well. Game's gorgeous, I love the black & white. Standing still, you'd think each angle was a bespoke painting. Then you move, and the illusion is shattered before settling back into yet another beautiful painting. It's lovely to watch.
All that said, I don't think this has legs for me personally. Had fun though!

It's wild that this is on 3DS. It just works, it's Minecraft. Perfectly playable. Lovely to have a little MC world in my pocket. I will fall off of it for all the usual reasons I fall off of Minecraft.

Being in the open world and catching Pokémon is a chill good time. The story is not chill or good or very fun at all. Especially towards the end, really drags the experience down. I felt a great weight lift from my shoulders after I hit credits and got to just hang in a field again catching Pokémon and vibing.

Wanted to like it. Just didn't click with me. Maybe some other time.

Love the curve from difficulty to mastery. Perfect example of integrating the crank into gameplay. Fun little high-score chaser that I'll probably return to.

It's Picross! I love Picross! Wish you didn't have to use the touch controls, but otherwise great.


Watched my girlfriend play it over a couple of nights. Gorgeous art, delightful gameplay. Fun, simple, linear, short.

I keep meaning to finish this. Maybe I will one day. Really stellar tactics game.