I think this was the perfect game to bring Kirby into 3D. The levels are compact enough to keep you moving in one direction while also allowing lots of opportunity to explore. The level-up system for Kirby's powers also add a unique spin that can make certain abilities super overpowered or situational.

This is a great, small downlaodable title you can pick up on the 3DS. Only takes about an hour to beat but it's really fun especially if you have friends to play with

This was a great game to play leading into Final Fantasy VII Rebirth. Really stands on it's own and enhances the base game and remakes

This is the pinnacle of a multiplayer mario game. the levels benefit a lot more from playing with others rather than by yourself. it takes what super mario 3d land did with condensed level ideas and expands upon it

This might be the greatest videogame of all time. the level of freedom and customization you get, the details that you woulddn't even think to look for, all with a great story and visuals make this game REALLY hard to beat

One of the most complete JRPGs I've ever played.

i'm still making my way through this, the levels are really fun and dying never seems like a punishment.

i thought the developers did a great job working with the poor tools that Sonic Forces gave them. it was intriguing seeing the more-advanced level design clash with the harsh movement controls sonic has in forces, but I enjoyed it despite being short.

it says a lot when my biggest gripe with a game is how I wish there was more time to play it. this is a great RPG for anyone who isn't well-versed in the genre. an active battle system with a world that take fantastical elements makes this a really fun game.

I thought this game built on what made 1 and Miles Morales so great, while it didn't add anything groundbreaking, it was fun to see them expand the limits of what the game and the PS5 could handle.