I used to have fond feelings on this game. Then I played it as a adult. All of it. Up to the true ending. Do I regret my decision? Maybe. Will I ever touch the game again? Not without alot of alcohol.

Extremely primitive but that's to be expected. Honestly plays better then expected BUT does tend to hurt the eyes.

This game is a actual steal. They have no right to charge this cheap for a game of this quality. Is the game perfect? No. But for the amount of quality content you receive for your buck there is not much room to complain. The longer you play the longer it gets. and it's very replayable as well. If you like the genre or havent tried the genre yet please give this game a shot.

This is way better then any forgettable platformer without character but boy does it have problems, if you like using the spin dash from 2 and onwards, your not gonna have a good time, if you like having alot of speed consistently, your not gonna have a good time, and if you dislike water, your not gonna have a good time

I cant get into this game no matter how much I try. The jank just really gets to me. I'm not gonna give up though and I will just shelf it for now

A huge step up from the first game. The first half of this game is actually so fun to breeze through but... the second half not so much.

Good gam 👍

Nothing special by todays standards but it isnt a huge time sink so worth it

This game will destroy you. Accept that and push on. The game has some serious flaws in the 2nd half but by the time you encounter them your either in or your out. The start and mid game is genuinely amazing so give it a shot and dont let failure discourage you.

This is a simple 3d platformer with some side collectables thrown in... and it has no right being this good for what it is. Not mind blowing or anything but genuinely a quality product

Really simple to play, constantly introduces new threats and just has alot of charm. It's a fine game

Suffers from the same problems as Oot. Time management system is really cool but you should be allowed to save whenever you want. There is alot of side content which is great. Honestly just wish there was more main game.

Genuinely amazing game. Wolf sections kinda dragged but were not so bad, some of the puzzles were so stupid though to the point where it was frustrating (I'm thinking of like 3 in the entire game) would honestly reccomend this game without a 2nd thought

I'm a huge fan of zelda so there is alot of bias here... and its negative. I am a very huge fan of the "classic zelda formula" so when breath of the wild comes around and gets rid of dungeons to explore, a reliable weapon, items to equip spread throughout the game, ect, I was not exactly a happy camper, However the game still feels like a zelda game in character, and if we look at the game as it's own then we get a really phenomenal open world game... but not perfect. A good chunk of the shrines are reused and so are the enemies, rain while being a cute mechanic at first gradually just becomes a frustration as you play, and the durability system just does not mesh with me in the same way that having a trusty sword does, though that is HIGHLY subjective. Overall good gam 👍 but not perfect.


The gameplay is just serviceable so you should play this game with story in mind. Now the story? I'll sum it up in one sentence. It was the first time the ending to a game made me cry.


The game isnt a masterpiece but dam Is it a genuinely good time. The graphics havent exactly aged well but the score and characters really set the scene. I wouldn't play this if you get easily offended or anything though, they got a bit undeniably racist at points. I think it's in poor taste but I just kinda brush it to the side and look at it purely as art, theres no reason to get mad at a video game made 18 years ago