Haven't beaten it yet but, I'm giving it 4.5 stars for allowing you to buy services from prostitutes. Will update later

Update: I thought I was 30% through the story but turns out it was 85%. The story is absolute ass. The game was fun at first but damn did the enemies get annoying, especially since you don't get too many new ones. Fighting dragons really sucked for me too. This felt great at first but boy does it come down HARD.

I pray this game lasts for a very long time

I need to realize Friday the 13th is dead and can't be replicated

Haven't been able to play online but the offline is still fun

Honestly liked it from the beginning but I can say I love it now

Fun game you can turn your brain off and play for a few hours.

I went blind and ended up loving it.

Gotta go back for the platinum soon

I need to run this back soon

EDIT: Cream City

My first pokemon game in a long time. I liked it