I need to realize Friday the 13th is dead and can't be replicated

Fun while it lasted but boy did it get old.

Liked it until the plant monsters or whatever

Got it on steam for basically nothing, the game is still very fun and holds up nicely.

Haven't beaten it yet but, I'm giving it 4.5 stars for allowing you to buy services from prostitutes. Will update later

Update: I thought I was 30% through the story but turns out it was 85%. The story is absolute ass. The game was fun at first but damn did the enemies get annoying, especially since you don't get too many new ones. Fighting dragons really sucked for me too. This felt great at first but boy does it come down HARD.

Haven't been able to play online but the offline is still fun

Fun until you decide to take it seriously. 20million Zeni trophy is absurd btw

Pretty disappointing but I liked it. Definitely won't touch it again.