This was good until it wasn't

I feel like I've wasted 70 hours of my life

This is a review for a realm reborn:
I overall enjoyed it even though the story doesn't pick up until near the end, and I found myself addicted to it which rarely happens to me with games and it amazes me this was all just on the free trial

I was hoping this was gonna be like wet and turn out to be a flawed but fun game but I was wrong. I enjoyed the anime so I thought the game might be cool. It has some cool elements like cutting people but the game gets super repetitive and it was only around 7 hours. I don't think I'd recommend this but I always like playing games that have been generally forgotten.

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I adore this game. It was a fantastic short game that doesn't get repetitive with its simple but fun gameplay. My only complaint really was the taming the genies at the end got annoying but you only had to do it a couple times so didn't ruin the experience. I also got the platinum for this one. I definitely recommend it.

I loved this game. The graphics were amazing, the music was radical and the gameplay was simple but hella fun. This is the most fun I've had with a game in a while. I 200% recommend playing this game if you have gamepass. Also I played this as Leo the obvious best turtle

I enjoyed playing this game but I just got really stressed and confused at the end when I was trying to get to the final boss and decided to drop the game as I usually use castlevania games as a way to relax. Also I was trying to figure it out for like an hour and decided to do this. Judge me if you want 🤷‍♀️. I would still recommend it though if you want to play through the series but I felt it was very similar to circle of the moon.

I quite enjoyed this game overall. I personally didn't think it was one of the best games I've played but I enjoyed playing it. I definitely think this has some of the best cutscenes I've seen in a game and the sound track was amazing. I'd definitely recommend a play but I don't think this is for everyone especially with the combat.

I really enjoyed the main game and thought it was the perfect length and didn't overstay its welcome. I can't that about this. I struggled to care while playing and halfway through I kinda just stopped paying attention to the story. I think it's worth playing if you have definitive edition and thought the base game was amazing but if ,like me, liked the game felt satisfied with what you played you'll probably feel like this is a waste of time as I did.

I don't know if it's just that my xbox one just can't run this game or this game just runs like absolute shit on every console. I've had this game since launch (aka I paid full price and the games ran like shit back then aswell) and I was like I'll check out the new dlc for Jane Foster. Which was a mistake. First the game takes ages to load and then when the the cutscene for lady thor eventually plays it's at a frame per second (which I wish I could attach a clip of). Also I notice you can now buy lootboxes with a currency I don't know if you can pay real money for it though. But have loads of this currency from the time I fucking wasted of my life on this game and I'm sat there buying them (for some reason) and it just stops letting me buy them because an error message comes up even though I have loads of this currency left. So not only did they add lootboxes but they can just stop fucking working. I don't know why I even bothered loading up this piece of shit game. This game came out the same year as cyberpunk. This game is worse than cyberpunk. Hell cyberpunk has redeeming qualities but this is a shameless cash grab preying on marvel fans and probably children. I genuinely am shocked they still update this game. But in conclusion I guess the campaign is pasable. FUCK

I realise the modern day equivalent to that one kid who owned all the skylanders is the kid who owns all the fortnight skins

I really loved the vibes of this game. It genuinely gave me some uneasy feelings at points with the soundtrack and level design. I think the game was short enough that I didn't get frustrated playing it or it felt repetitive. I did like the gameplay but the enemy's did start feeling like bullet sponges. I think this was a really cool game I'd definitely recommend it but I think some will be turned of by the controls but I thought it holds up well.

I spent far to much time of this as a kid

I definitely appreciate this game alot more after reading up and understanding the story because like the original alice in wonderland film it's complicated. But definitely a game worth playing in my opinion. I enjoyed the combat and loved the themes of this game.