they just don't make sports games like this anymore

"99% of gamblers give up before they get their big win" I say before accidentally discarding a Straight Flush

I should get a veteran's discount for my time spent in Malevelon Creek

It's not Pokemon with Guns, it's Lego Fortnite...with Pokemon with Guns

if you made a drinking game where you take a shot whenever I mutter under my breath "it's peak" while playing this you could singlehandedly cause a worldwide alcohol shortage

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What the game does with Jacob conditioning the player to just mindlessly run through that shooting gallery level until the last time you do it where you kill the region's resistance leader at the end without thinking is such a cool fucking moment I'm surprised it came from a Ubisoft game

only game where for like 2/3rds of the game I refused to use the fast travel system

Autism be damned my boy Arven can work a grill

I didn't beat the campaign before multiplayer's launch (what I did play was fun though) but the Multiplayer is really good, a major improvement over Vanguard. It hits that sweet spot between slower, more tactical FPS like CS and faster movement based ones like Apex, which is a niche that the older games filled and this fills very nicely, with good gunplay and map design to boot (and the map design will be even better once they add in all the original maps like they're supposedly doing)

Obligatory fuck Activision though

devs were too busy drinking their female coworker's breast milk to make a good game

9S is the most relatable character in fiction because I too want to fuck the everloving shit out of 2B

Honestly the main reason I got this was because it's the first AAA game with RWBY characters and they're fun so I guess I got my money's worth

Getting jumpscared by Yang's theme every time her health dips into the red is something I can live without though

Selling my kidney for virtual twink cat