17 Reviews liked by Emilia_Games

Basically if MK11 wasn’t complete dogshit

By no means a perfect game but if im being honest, I kinda enjoyed my time with it.

The story was really interesting and I was on board until it all became a bunch of multiverse fuckery with a ton of random 3D era elements just clashed together with no thought put together, its really embarrassing. The armageddon segment was interesting to say the least but it definitely a tad bit too long, especially since they spike the AI around this time.

The gameplay is exactly the same as MK11 except for the kameo system which was alright. Regardless, I hate the slower style of gameplay this and 11 have and much prefer how it played in the games beforehand. The fatality timer is even worse here than in 11, you literally get 2 seconds to input it and seeing how awful the fatality inputs have been, its nearly impossible unless you literally do it perfectly slow in milliseconds. They also brought back test your might in interesting ways (which for some reason was excluded in 11?) and the invasion mode, which i expected to hate, did have some variation in gameplay but it seems like a slog to 100%.

The customization is still dogshit and the fact we have no krypt means we have to grind just to get different items except with different colors, remember when we used to actually get skins?

Seeing as MK11 scammed me, I don’t plan on buying the DLC (tho the characters I had fun playing with weren’t DLC unlike 11 so thats a plus) but maybe once they release kombat pack 2? who knows

If anything is to be praised, it’s the fact it increased my appreciation for the 3D era and makes me more hopeful in the future of the franchise. That is a feeling that not only did 11 give me the complete opposite of, but newer media in general.

I Wonder What YOU Taste Like

-Talking Flower

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Amazing game. But if the boss fights were good this would be top 3 Mario games

Besides the final boss, that was fire

Wow who knew that actually having good gear would make an insanely difficult boss such a pushover lmfao

Anyways, now that I’ve finally this game’s true ending, I can safely say that this is legitimately a perfect fangame. One that I can safely say is actually on par with its original predecessor, which is such an inconceivable feat for a game like this that I’m shocked it happened at all. Everything about it from the gameplay to the characters to the writing to the goddamn amazing visuals are just as amazing as they were in Undertale. It manages to stand on its own as an amazing experience, but it also works so perfectly as a prequel to Undertale that I’m shocked it isn’t just a straight up Toby Fox game. That ending especially was so bittersweet and incredible and was genuinely the best way you could’ve possibly tied this game back to Undertale. I don’t wanna spoil anything about it, or this game in general so I’ll just leave it at this: play this game right now, it’s free and it’s a legit masterpiece (if you’ve played Undertale already obviously). I don’t think it’s better than Undertale but the fact that it comes even close really goes to show how good it is.


I have no idea what crack the designers of the Star Wolf rematch were on, but whatever it is, it must be purged from this universe for good

I find it sad how this 30-year-old, VERY low-poly shoot 'em up made for a 16-bit console still runs way better than recent Pokemon games.

Such a fun and spectacular game…

Until you get to the bosses

Haven’t gone for 100% completion quite yet but I’m very much tempted to. It should say something about this game’s creativity and perfect difficulty balancing when I’ve actually completed it over all of the New Super Mario Bros games and I’m still curious to do more.


Had to finish one more playthrough in time for Tears of the Kingdom. Anyway, this game is absolutely legendary and deserves every drop of praise it's gotten for the past 25 years. I'm not ashamed to admit that I almost cried to the ending this time.

genuinely my favorite video game mod of all time, i wish more people would make stuff like this