gameplay wise its a huge improvement over 3 and overall i like the games difficulty. its the only game other than 0 that an actual challenge. storywise its an utter mess. the plot is a complete mess, i didn't even know what the fuck was going on half the time and it's filled with so many cliche's that it just becomes funny you could play a yakuza cliche bingo with this game and get everything.

toby fox quality fan game some of the bosses are annoying tho

(beaten pacifist and genocide)

amazing bossfight all felt the fights fair and the game looks gorgeous even on the lowest settings

way better than kiwami 1. the story was intresting but also pretty dumb at times but the gameplay is overall pretty good i liked how restaurants are actually useful this time around. and the new dragon style is fun to use. my only gripe with this game is how much content was cut from the ps2 game like shinseicho other than that a pretty good game

a good yakuza game but that ending was absolute dogshit. its a shame too cuz most of the story is really good

combat was janky and playing through the same disney worlds 4 times (i replayed roxas part cuz i accidentally deleted his save) is pretty annoying but i enjoyed the story


not usually a fan of roguelikes but its very good the combat is amazing and i love the story and characters i've only beaten it once tho

arguably my first soulslike and one of my favorite games of all time 10/10

shit story boring and boring maps the only reason it isnt lower is because revelations exist

half life but your a soldier overall a good experience

its the morrowind of fps games

gta + yakuza whats not there to love?

its episode 2 what else is they're to say?