arguably my first soulslike and one of my favorite games of all time 10/10

i dont enjoy elder scrolls as much as fallout but skyrim was pretty fun i had some fun memories modding the shit outta this game and playing a bunch of modded questlines (cuz the main quest sucks)

the game can be a slog at times but its still pretty good simple story but just dumb fun

gta + yakuza whats not there to love?

its still a yakuza game so its fun but in alot of aspects downgrade from the original ps2 yakuza and just feels like yakuza 0 but worse (except for combat its better in this game)

best story i have ever seen in gaming and really solid gameplay the minigames are amazing def one of my favs
majima is literally me!

meh story meh combat but its still a bethesda game so its fun

while i really really enjoyed this games combat the story and rpg mechanics are fucking dogshit

long as fuck i enjoyed the story and while the combat is bullshit at times but once you get the hang of it its pretty alright

enjoyed the story combat fucking sucks