ehh combat was weird it was grindy as hell and they reused a bunch of assets from kh1 the games only saving grace is the story which is pretty good

simple and clean, simple but fun combat,simple ass story, and clean world design

its portal 2 what else is they're to say

gta game with the best soundtrack and best art direction vice city is colorful and missions are really fun story is pretty barebones but its just fun as hell

abit overrated imho but still an amazing game pretty clunky and some missions were bullshit but it has the best map in the entire series

best gta story and best atmosphere its also extremely polished too bad the pc port sucks ass other than that 10/10 its gta at its peak

the most underappreciated gta game i love gta 4 as much as the next guy but you cant deny this game was amazing too bad online ruined the games reputation


not usually a fan of roguelikes but its very good the combat is amazing and i love the story and characters i've only beaten it once tho

story was lackluster and the campaign was abit of a slog BUT blowing shit up and moving around the map is always fun

its episode 2 what else is they're to say?

its half life 2 what else is they're to say?

imho better than hl2 dont @ me

i fucking love the gameplay the art direction looks like sum shitty chinese gacha game but oh boy the gameplay story is fine tho nothing special also the music slaps