i love how memorable this game is and the combat is fire. story was ehh but its a resident evil game afterall so its not that bad


one of the best rpgs of all time, everything in this game is fucking amazing the worst thing about it is the combat and even then its still pretty fun. a great conclusion to the witcher trilogy. the dlcs were amazing too especially blood and wine (hearts of stone had shani tho). overall an amazing game

amazing bossfight all felt the fights fair and the game looks gorgeous even on the lowest settings

gta 4 but worse, worse story,worse missions,worse characters why play this when you can play 4 or even tbogt

gta 4 + steroids = one of the best gta games in some aspects better than the original 4

story is one of the best in the series and the presentation is beautiful the only bad thing about this game is the combat and map design but other than that its amazing

shit story boring and boring maps the only reason it isnt lower is because revelations exist

probably my most replayed game of all time Gameplay is amazing and the map design is the best in the series like the other fates the story is complete and utter dogshit but the gameplay makes up for it and makes conquest the best fates path

my first and my favorite fire emblem game i dont care if i spammed chrobin on my first playthrough it was still a fun experience

half life but your a soldier overall a good experience

combat was janky and playing through the same disney worlds 4 times (i replayed roxas part cuz i accidentally deleted his save) is pretty annoying but i enjoyed the story

one of my favorite games of all time, combat is peak, bosses are peak, story is great, disney worlds were pretty good the only complaints i have for it is that it feels more linear than the first and the fact that YOU CANT SKIP THE FUCKING ROXAS SEGMENTS