52 Reviews liked by Enel

Best Touhou, I adore literally everything about this one and the characters are some of my favs in the series. Also literally every boss is great, most notable of the bunch being Reimu, Marisa and Reisen. Final spell cards are extremely hype

This game is a monkey's paw, you get some of the coolest action combat ever but also have to deal with the shittiest equipment system ever. Other then that level design is kinda whatever but fine until enemies start falling on your head, then it's not. Also the bosses are kinda 50/50 but when they're good they're GOOD

The gameplay is an absolute fucking slog at points but brah I fuckin adore the story & worldbuilding here. A shame that the only way to get more in the foreseeable future is a doodoo ass gacha

If this was just 60 hours of the cast being shitters with some story here and there, this would be an all time classic.
Unfortunately every time I have to actually play the game I want to kill myself.

DON'T PLAY ON ABYSS DIFFICULTY, WORST DECISION OF MY LIFE. This score is not bc I played the entire game on Abyss difficulty tho, this score is bc Rean and Lloyd route, for the most part, are lame af. C route goes crazy tho.

I think this game fucking sucks to play and the characters and story definitely fall short in more than a few places, but I'd be lying if I said this doesn't deserve a remake. There's a LOT of stuff here that could potentially be fantastic if this was given a second chance in the modern day.

It's crazy how good case 4 and 5 are when the rest of the cases are ok to kinda ass. Idk how quality can fluctuate this much in a game but it sure does here

Terraria is a game I pretend to hate but the hate is very disingenuous when I have over 300 hours in it and every time I start a new playthrough I'm glued to this shit, it is VERY addicting. The exploration and progression (lol) are just reeaaaallllyyyy goooooddddd. Aside from those though the grind is terrible, quality of life doesn't exist and Moonlord is an awfully designed final boss, do not let these distract you from the fact that I actually like this game.

If you use any combination that isn't russian roulette pistol + bullet you're fucking weird, WE RIDE OR DIE OFF KILLER SHOTS BABEYYYYYY

Sunset overdrive is a game that feels endearing with how shitty the dialogue is at points, like on one hand it's obviously very shitty, but it never gets to the level that borderlands does with ultra cringe dialogue that makes me want to kill myself. Depending on my mood I'm either like "hell yeah dude this is awesome I love my gigachad protagonist and the biggest group of betas for a supporting cast ever" or "holy fuck please shut the fuck up my ears are bleeding can you please stop talking for 3 seconds" and few games can match that perfect amount of cringe, for what it is I have incredible respect for this game for being to pull that off.

Going away from the dialogue the game itself is fun, exploration is super satisfying and the gunplay is fun enough. I don't like a lot of the weapons and NONE of them feel as good as Ratchet and Clank weapons but with how combat actually plays it works out. I like jumping on shit and grinding on literally anything it's a good time. Honestly my biggest problem is the side content and collectation aspects of this game kinda suck. Especially the side quests, they're really boring.

Basically the game itself is fun if you ignore side content. Dialogue is the perfect amount of cringe to at the very least be endearing. Good and short game to waste a few hours on

Mario Sunshine is a game that crumbles under the pressure of being played normally, despite this, I cant bring myself to hate it even with all of its shortcomings (there are a lot). For one there are so many dogshit stages that I can't even attempt to name them all, if you've played this game you know what stages I'm talking about, they're very bad. Do the stages even work? No. Is this ok? No. Do I have fun playing them? Most of the time yeah. How? idk. Well ok surely the movement and shit must be great if I still like the game despite that. The answer to that? ehhhh it's good but a lot of the time jank as fuck. And that's the thing with Mario Sunshine, despite all of the bullshit this game is VERY fun to play, it ain't even ironic fun most of the time it's just genuine. How does it do this? I got no fuckin clue but lemme tell you when I'm playing this bullshit I am having the time of my LIFE. Throw some bullshit like the Chucksters at me and brother I'm still balling. This shit could kill my first born son and I'd high five it and give it a hearty "hell yeah". This truly just is a special lil game (half derogatory)

Unless you REALLY like Mashiro you can just ignore this one and skip to extra 2 (I like Mashiro a lot for the record I'm sorry for giving her fandisk a 4/10). Even if I didn't hate this that much corny romance is bad for the soul... Also the SoL in base Aokana is just so much better. There's a lot of nice cgs here tho

It's so fucked up that something with storytelling and visual presentation as phenomenal as this gets bogged down by whatever the fuck they were cooking with the entire Cannan plotline. I adore literally EVERYTHING else about this but man I cannot get behind most things pertaining to that, which is so fucked up with how hard literally everything else here goes. That isn't to say the entirety of this is ruined because of that tho, it's still incredibly good even with that and one of my favorite visual novels. Also the bad endings go insane, they're so fun.

Sector E gave me PTSD, playing that shit guidless for hours on end until FINALLY getting through it is something everyone needs to experience at least once in their life, truly cathartic experience. Oh yeah the OST here also goes fucking insane.

This is basically everything I wanted out of Aokana + so much more. Misaki was already fantastic in her route of the base game and this just brings her character to another level. How they handle everything pertaining to the spirit of competition was phenomenal. I don't consume much sports media but this has made me want to because oml it's so good. The cg quality is also a huge step up from the original and there are SO much banger vocal tracks here. And saving the best praise for last the FC matches go fucking insane, they were already great in OG but in here they're on an entirely different level, there was not one FC match here that didn't have me on the edge of my seat.

Even things I didn't care for much in the orignal I found myself adoring here, biggest example being the romance which I thought was cringe in the original, but here? That's some good shit. The SoL segments are also great which is nice considering I didn't care much for the SoL past common route in base game. It may sound like I'm shitting on the base game a LOT here but I still like that shit a lot, it's just that this is on an entirely different level of quality.

We stan Misaki