Admittedly not a good game but it's a game that I spent a lot of hours on when I was younger.

It's good in CONCEPT, a vehicular combat racing game with three weapon types and some pretty ok track designs. However, the controls aren't great, turning takes an eternity, the tracks repeat, the graphics are bleh, the soundtrack is also pretty forgettable. Physics are abysmal lol, yet I still don't hate this game it has untapped potential

A flash game made in 2003 put on the Wii. Yeah

A cute puzzle platformer that I believe is a remake to a game on the NES? Don't quite me on that. It's been quite awhile since I've played this so I shall have an updated review on this one day

Imagine an action movie from the early 00s was turned into a video game and you have Jet Li's Rise To Honor. The combat controls are mapped to the right joystick, which feels a little unnatural at first but you soon get used to it. The final boss of this game is an absolute bitch to beat

Really fun arcade shooter from 1985. I really like these older games with the pseudo 3D effect. Haven't reached the end of this game though because It can get pretty hard, and sometimes u can obstruct your view of incoming projectiles. Overall, i still enjoy it

DISCLAIMER: I've never played the console version of this game

Childhood game I used to own, got to play it again recently and it's a nice beat em up on the GBA that get surprisingly challenging in the later levels. Speaking of surprises, this games OST is absolutely INSANE, genuinely some of these songs are among the best I've heard on the console. Seriously, take about 5 minutes out of your day and listen to Danger! or the final boss theme.

This is an absolutely solid movie game. Pre Arkham, this was definitely one of best Batman games you could play, nowadays....not so much! I enjoy the combat and the minor stealth elements this game provides. The 2 batmobile stages control better than the batmobile in Arkham Knight so they were pretty fun to play. , Graphically (on OG XBOX) the game has aged pretty well I'd say.

Begins is still a nice little time waster, u can beat this game in about a day or 2.

This is a nice short little action game with some decent challenge, I've been routing a Speedrun for it, the soundtrack is surprisingly excellent.

Better than the first. I have so much nostalgia for both these games and even though I may have played the first one more Ive always liked this one just a little bit more.

It still has the same gameplay and charm as the first game but it's just something about the design of this games levels that stuck with me more than the first. I recently replayed it and YEAH it's got it's issues because this is a ps1 era game but this is still excellent in my opinion.

One of the very first games I've ever played and I still love it to this day. The game has a pretty underrated and intense soundtrack, great voice acting and cutscenes, solid challenge and very colorful graphics. It's all the fun of a Spiderman morning cartoon arc wrapped up in its own game!

I may enjoy this as much as the second game, I'm not really sure. Nice visual style going full on into space and completing these puzzles in a unique spin on the 3 match gameplay style.

Like the first game, really enjoy the second, not a big fan of this one. How can that be with games this similar you might ask? While it's true that the gameplay is basically the same, I REALLY do not like this soundtrack at all. The first game had a simple yet somewhat futuristic theme the game was made in. The second game had this beautiful ambient soundtrack to pair with the theme of space and the beauty of nature. Now onto the third installment, this game combines FANTASY elements with an electric twist.

I'm not the biggest fan of fantasy settings in general and the soundtrack reflects my dislike of the theme. Some of this sounds like pirate music or wizard 101 lobby music and Ugh I just could never play much of this game because of it

Added more match types from the first game along with more game modes. Some nice special effects and a really great ambient soundtrack are also added to make probably my favorite game in the series (that I've played)

A fun and simplistic puzzler that I wasted countless hours on

On Twitter I'm seeing Alot of revisionist history about this game. It's a little strange to see personally.

This is a well made game, visually stunning as it might be the best looking game on the ps3. It's got good sound design, everything feels incredibly impactful during it's action sequences and stressful in the times it needs to be. But the pacing man. The pacing took me out of the game.

I don't mean the pacing as far as the story I mean the Gameplay. This is a slow game and it felt even slower with those clicker sections sprinkled in. EVERY time I'm making good progress in the game it comes to a screeching halt for 15-20 minutes of a clicker sections and I just couldn't take it anymore.

The experience felt like a game of Red light Green light but when speaker says "GREEN LIGHT" you shuffle your feet 2cm forward and move slower than a turtle in molasses.

And yeah I understand how great the story is and that's fine, but a good story is not going to help me play a game that I felt was some what if a slog to get through. There were some sections of the game I really enjoyed too, like the exploration bits where u look through people's things in abandoned houses, but the clicker sections, the over all slowness of the game and some of the later regular zombie action sequences took me out of it.

This game feels like they made the idea for a movie and then turned it into a game

This game doesn't feature the same movement that Tekken 5 does and the soundtrack in this game is kinda ass BUT this is the closest we've gotten to another magnum opus in the series. While Tekken 5 is a top 5 fighting game of all time I'd say Tekken 7 is probably in the top 10. An excellent entry into the world's greatest fighting game franchise.