A very sentimental game for me. This is the very first fighting game I properly learned to play. While it may not be the most balanced, especially by today's standards, I love this game

I beat the game's hero campaign but I'd like to replay this game to beat the villian (really antihero) missions. It's a good game that desperately needs a remaster because it has some issues such as clipping through cars amongst other things.

This may not have been a great madden but I snuck countless hours into this one back in the day

First Madden I ever played

I was very busy at the time I played this and I never completed it, I will one day but I can say for certain I prefer vice city

This might have been the first or second GTA game I played, I don't remember if I played this before vice city or after.

It's a game that I can sum up like this, it's good in all aspects you can think of but doesn't excell at any of them. It's a good time regardless.

I'm around 3 hours into the game, it's an extremely fun game, you enter a stage, kill hoards of enemies, sometimes fight a giant mech boss at the end, obtain parts and customize your own Gundam. I really also enjoy the freedom they give you with being able to paint your own Gundam in a variety of ways.

Fun game