This is that real. This is sonic gameplay at it's finest. I love the visual style this game has with the updated graphics of the old stages. It's a great sonic game idk what else to say

First Rachet and Clank game I ever played. I didn't like it! Granted I know this is a bad starting point but wow. Action Platformers can be hit or miss sometimes and this was a definite miss for me with the large sections of mindless, repetitive shooting and small sections of actual platforming.

I bought this game from a Pawn shop and the disc was damaged so while I did get pretty far, I never beat it.

I remember this game getting absolutely panned when it came out and I don't really know why this game left such an impression. I really enjoyed this game. Yeah the not being able to actually die thing is kinda... strange? I guess the word would be? But the platforming is excellent, the combat is good, the level design and themes are beautiful, the relationship with the Prince and Elika is great. I really like this game and I never quite got why others didnt

It's just an updated re-release of the original Xbox game with more weapons and better graphics. Luckily that game is one of my personal favorites of all time and one of the best hack n slash games ever made.

It's been years since I played this and I remember not caring for it but I want to replay this game before putting my thoughts down so this is a placeholder for a future review(12/12/22)

I enjoy this game quite a lot abt that may have to do with me never playing the original most wanted. This was the second game I ever played for ps3(the first being uncharted 3) so I have some nostalgia for it on top of me thinking it's actually a really good racer. Graphics were pretty great as well

See my 2k7 and 2k13 reviews to understand what I mean by the statement below:

This is about the point where I completely checked out entirety.

This is where I kinda started checking out for basketball games. This is when we started to get a little bit closer to realism and before it became a complete sim, which i never minded but it started becoming less fun for me

Much like what I was saying in my NBA Live 08 review, I really like this era of basketball games where we wanted a realism but weren't able to achieve it fully.

Replaying this game after many years. Graphically its funny how we thought this game was incredibly realistic at the time it came out. Great soundtrack btw!

The ps3 and Wii Versions have some differences in gameplay and one of them is making threes with certain teams is much easier than others. Once u master the motion controls in the Wii version anyone with like an 75% or more three point shot rating is broken. You will make literally every shot u take once u learn the specific timing. This isn't the case in the ps3 version.

This is honestly my favorite era for basketball games where we were striving for realism but we weren't quite there yet, it made for a more enjoyable experience IN MY OPINION at least

The full version of ultimate ninja storm 3.

Good game, never beat the story mode and I need to unlock 4 more characters for the complete roster but it's a great lil arena fighter with friends

God I wanted to love this game. For 2008 this is one of the best looking games of the generation. Its level design and use of color is absolutely fantastic, I love how creative of a concept this game is. The music? Oh man the music is amazing, it's one of my personal favorite soundtracks to listen to, infact I was just listening to it yesterday (12.11.2022). But man.....the gameplay, faith sometimes just isn't responsive at all and it absolutely kills the immersion.

I couldn't count u how many times faith would jump and not grab on to a ledge,leading me to my death or restarting part of a stage over. I couldnt count how many times faith would just jump in the completely different direction from where I'm facing, leading to more unnecessary deaths. The combat in the game is also pretty lackluster, which for this game it's fine because you'll barely have any combat sections, but there was one section in particular where I believe you're in a empty mall of some sorts and the building is swarming with enemies, oh my god that was such a frustrating sequence to get through.

Overall it's a game I think everyone should try at least ONCE but i sure do wish I could fall head over heels for this game, sadly I can't

See my review of MVC2 to get my thoughts on the series. I will say though that this and ultimate are much better games to spectate compared to MVC2

Y'know, as a child when I was in an arcade I usually didn't play fighting games but whenever I did decide to play some I was always infatuated with them. This infatuation later on in life became an obsession. Games like the street fighter alpha 3, and Tekken Tag became not just some of my favorite fighting games but some of my favorite GAMES of all time and I truly feel in love with the genre.

Why did I go through that little soliloquy? Because back when I was in some of those arcades, playing games like alpha 3 and Tekken 5 and soul calibur I also saw a game called Marvel Vs Capcom 2.

I'll never forget going over to that cabinet looking at how amazing that game looked, popping my money in and finally playing it and feeling.......nothing. in fact, I actually walked away from the cabinet. Eventually I grew up and decided to try and play the game again.

I don't like MVC very much as a series too be completely honest with u. It's pretty fast paced and hectic with alot of bullshit on the screen. It's a very cheap/nasty game with tons of glitches and garbage balancing u have to fight against. It's really just TOO loose for me and it can feel a little overwhelming at times, I prefer my fighter to be a little tighter than what MVC provides.

So funny thing about this is, if you're looking to play this physically on ps3 it's a $15-$20 game which i see going up in the future which is kinda crazy.

Anyway this game sucks. It's got an interesting game mechanic with the "𝘐𝘯𝘷𝘦𝘳𝘴𝘪𝘰𝘯" of gravity but it's emplimented pretty poorly. Sometimes enemies can shoot u BEHIND cover, there's other times where the controls are unresponsive during the floating sections and u fly into an enemy or fly off the stage and die. There's a lot of things about this game that I simply forgot because I honestly did not have a good time with it and beat it for the sake of beating it.