308 reviews liked by Ernie

Finished these DLC's, All 3 episodes are thematically different, so it's fitting I'd review all of them individually.

EPISODE 1: This episode's theme is whimsical, Funny, run and shoot, The writing is really funny, story is light hearted and it is short and sweet, I love rose qwerky nature, and the art style is also very girlish. 8/10

EPISODE 2: This episode is very Puzzle and survival horror focus but IMO it fails to achieve its Survival part and the story it told is also idk what to make of it. 6/10.

EPISODE 3: Ok so I genuinely speechless, this episode is THE MOST REMEDY ass and SAM-LAKE esk ever, the sentiment I had for AW2 which is "There's nothing out there like this in gaming" remains true for this DLC too, I don't wanna say too much about this episode cuz it is expereince on your own from start to finish. SOLID 10/10.

I am happy that SAM and REMEDY are single-handedly bringing fresh new ideas and innovations in gaming and storytelling.

as far as challenge goes this is a breeze as I think remedy themselves just wanted these dlc to not drag and didn't want it to be as survival-oriented as AW2 was

overall I would say 8/10 these episodes are worth playing, plus they are hardly over 90mints long.

"The hardest battles are fought in the mind..."

Even on a 4th or 5th playthrough I'm still stunned by this game. This is nothing short of a masterpiece, one of the most unique and most important games I have ever played. Its writing is endlessly quotable, packed into a tightly paced action-adventure that never drops in quality.

The gameplay has been criticised a lot, and honestly, I understand why, but I totally disagree. There is plenty of variety in its levels that mixes up the core gameplay elements; namely linear exploration, combat and puzzles. I enjoy all parts of it. What stands out the most for me though is the combat: even on this replay I discovered new combos and attacks, even on this playthrough was it extremely satisfying to fight each and every enemy.

"Hellblade" reminds me why I love video games: it offers an experience you cannot get anywhere else - one that is not only fun to play, emotionally captivating but also one that enables a plethora of analyses and discussions.

All 3 episodes are great but god, the last episode is really something else. My jaw was dropped for the whole thing. There is nothing like it. Gaming is so unoriginal nowadays, it’s nice to have something that breaks the mould every once in a while.

This was so fun. A collection of what-if scenarios that furthers the point of how Remedy is the only studios capable of delivering experiences like this



it is a budgeted title, the art style is hi-fi at home, story is pretty mid/skippable, but the gameplay carries it, good chill vibes, at least until u reach the last boss fight dat us straight up BS lol

FF7 Rebirth is a behemoth of a sequel that improves on Remake's formula in almost every way. I had really high hopes for this game since Remake is one of my all-time favorites, and Rebirth managed to meet and surpass almost all of those expectations. It isn't without its faults, but its strengths are remarkable compared to its weaknesses.

This game's strongest asset is its gameplay - there's just SO much to do in this game. Although I did get a bit fatigued at the open world map marker design after a bit, I found that there was always something to do to switch things up. Between the mini-games, combat simulator missions and exploration I always felt like I had something to do and always had something to switch to whenever I was getting bored. The combat is just as good as Remake, and the addition of the synergy abilities are a great touch that makes combat feel even more fluid and cinematic.

The performances are, once again, amazing. Getting the gang back together from Remake was a joy, and the addition of new characters to the party made the experience that much better. I really love the voice cast for these games - I feel like they capture the essence of the characters perfectly and there wasn't a bad performance among them.

I think something that I have more mixed opinions on is the story, although my feelings lean more positive. I just found the plot to be needlessly complicated at times - I'm sure watching some Final Fantasy Union story videos will help clear things up, but I feel like it unnecessarily bogged down what was already an amazing story. I think the story is very strong overall with some incredibly poignant and emotional moments, but it also felt like it went off the rails after a certain point. I also wasn't super thrilled with how it ended - I know the remake trilogy is taking some liberties with the story to try and create a new experience, but I just wished the ending resonated with me a bit more. I'm hoping on a repeat play-through I'll be able to fully enjoy the narrative a bit more.

It seems like Rebirth was well worth the wait. It doubles down on all the things that made Remake great while adding its own flourishes here and there with the inclusion of an absolutely massive open world that more often than not was a blast to explore. Although I wish the narrative had done a bit more for me, the incredibly fun gameplay, stellar performances/graphics and beautiful soundtrack make Rebirth an amazing gaming experience overall. I know it'll be a while before we get the last game, but I'm already counting down the days.

Every single pixel of this game reeks of style, charm and artistic beauty. Combat can be a bit tough to get used to specially for people wanting to check out SG's works prior to Hades due to its much more strategic nature but I appreciated the change of pace and learned to adapt to it nontheless. Amazing game

You know those out of the left field bangers you see every now and then ? ....... This is one of 'em

This game was a big surprise. An emotionally gripping journey through the tragedies of World War I that uses beautiful art style, captivating storytelling and immersive gameplay mechanics.
The story of Valiant Hearts excels in capturing the human side of war, focusing on the experiences of ordinary people caught up in horrors of war. It's a deeply moving story, with great characters and each one has their own personal narrative.
I really loved this game, can't wait to try the new one someday.

Great game, but what the fuck was that climax?