Played through the original difficulty demo. Some of the upgrading reminds me of Starcraft tavern battle, from the Starcraft 2 arcade. Control groups, at least in what I have played, are much less important than in SC2 due to hotkeys to select your builder unit, all production facilities, or your army units which can have all abilities activated without tabbing through your unit types. There are still control groups that can be created with Ctrl + (1-0), shift/alt do not add/remove but it's fairly quick to get used to the differences between this and SC2.

I have played quite a bit of RTS games and roguelike games, it's a pre-launch demo but I enjoyed it and I intend to play at least ascension level 1. It's got a lot going on, I'm very interested in seeing where this game goes, and am curious to see what it looks like at launch.

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Tried to a pacifist run with just augmentations, definitely messed up and got the new biochip so I had to use grenades for the third boss fight. Lots of fun though. Chose the destruction of Panchaea ending, I think I like it more than the Taggart one.


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Played through it until the 3rd boss fight a few years earlier but got my augs messed up so I ended up giving up. Glad I came back, played through again, and finished it up. Throw vending machines at peoples heads or sneak through air vents. I go for stealth when I can but sometimes you need to fight and its pretty good, cover based shooter feels a bit weird to me because I haven't played a lot of games with that mechanic; but, you get used to it pretty quickly and you end up using it often for peeking around corners in stealth or staying safe in combat. The boss fights are underwhelming especially since there is no way to do them non-lethally, unlike the entire rest of the game. If you are completely combat based then the boss fights aren't the worst, but the lack of choice is not great. Energy management feels a lot more convenient than in the 2000 Deus ex and it changes how you use some abilities, like camo, you can use them more often and recharge back a full battery. The places, you go to, look really good and usually have a lot of entrances and paths to choose between. Ended up with the pacifist Taggart ending.

The dlc is a mission in the middle of the campaign that shows what happened to Jensen as he crossed the atlantic on a freighter, it's pretty cool and I had no idea it wasn't in the game from the start until I was told, it fits very well into the game.


Playing through with Corvo's abilities makes the game feel much more like the first one, not in a bad way just much more familiar. I like playing through with low chaos but you can lose out on some very cool powers that can assist with stealth if you're going for a sneaky run. Would love to play through with Corvo again on high chaos one day, try out his lethal abilities.


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Turn yourself into a shadow monster and rip people in half. Trying out Emily on low chaos would be interesting as it may give me more incentive to try out mesmerize more and not just domino the heck out groups.

High chaos and low chaos endings are quite different, I like the kill/don't kill morality system that changes the games ending.



If you are thinking about playing this game and haven't already had story elements spoiled for you then I am very happy for you; going into this game uninformed is the way to do it. Nothing in the following will spoil anything story related other than the fact that hostiles exist in the game.

I love that lots of doors can be opened by hacking, finding keycards, hacking, or finding an alternate route and it's just as varied when it comes to ways to deal damage. You have a lot of combat options with different weapons and abilites. Hucking enormous objects at enemies is a wonderful and very ammo efficient way to get kills. The fact that a foam dart crossbow is a useful weapon is wild to me, whenever I end up using it to do something it just feels so awesome.

Usually getting through the current zone and into the next is intuitive, occasionally I get a little lost but the map can get me where I need to go eventually.

I like the npcs that are encountered and the environmental storytelling is great, to flesh out the world and characters. The journey the player goes on leads to many interesting situations with the environment and hostile npcs.

Yes to this whole thing! I love this game so much, is it something I will play through over and over again in short succession? no, probably not but I am currently half way through my 2nd playthrough and trying out a playstyle and abilities I hadn't before is a blast.


I never dug too deep into this mode because whenever I have a hankering for more dishonored I just play some campaign or dlc missions.

Played a bit:

Less abilities than the base game but you get a friend to stab people in the throat for you.


The gameplay is perfectly functional, stuff works; however, the interfaces can feel clunky (I got used to it but weapon unjamming sucks) and maps can be confusing sometimes. There are a lot of abilities that I never ended up using either due to expense or me just not wanting to swap abilities around.

I started playing right after finishing Deus Ex (2000) in 2020 so I will always compare them to each other in my head; they are quite different but if you haven't played either I would recommend playing Deus Ex first and if you want to go a bit further back in time after that then this game is great and holy crap the ending is something else.


Incredibly cool story, locations, characters, and abilities/upgrades. The combat is very 'old game' feeling until you factor in the abilities and stealth which add a lot. Prepare to read a lot of logs/messages if you want to get access codes and additional story. You have quite a few choices in approaching each mission with different paths, dialogue options, what abilities/weapons you use, and who you kill or don't. This game is a lot of fun if you can get past some of the dated feel mechanisms.

The infolink sound effect is still my phone notification noise of choice, I really need to turn my notification noises on every once in a while just to hear that marvelous chime.


Great human eating simulator, cool to get a new ability and then head to an earlier zone and be able to access more stuff. Stopped playing when I picked up Skyrim for switch and it took over my mobile gaming. I played a few minutes when writing this and the game is fun but I don't think I'm going to re-buy the game for pc or get back into switch gaming so this will live as a cool game I like but may never finish.

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Decent story with a few endings (choice is at the end). The enemies aren't the smartest but a gun that lets you control the bullet you fired in air is just as cool as it sounds. Some cool time manipulation mechanics, watch that charging soldier live 10 lifetimes and turn to dust in the blink of an eye.


Amazing cutscenes, a cool story with some memorableish characters, and decent gameplay with about the best RTS controls I could imagine having on a gamepad.
