51 reviews liked by EstiGatetes

Fallout 3 is not an RPG. You have your numbers and stats but you almost can't decide anything beside some side content story branches here and there. That's not something necesarily bad, but it's clearly lacking compared to other Bethesda games. You always are constantly on the verge of death, needing healing items or, especially, ammo. This is fun most of the time in games and here it does help creating the setting and some interesting situations, but the problem is the weight mechanic. You are carrying too much weight all the time. In a game where ammo is so limited it's recommended to play changing constantly between types of weapons. And you have to carry so many different weapons all the time. It's not only an annoying issue per se, having to constantly open and closing your Pipboy to change weapons is also quite annoying. At least ammo weighs zero. Thankfully.

Beside that, it's, again, a Bethesda game within its exploration. Everywhere you go, anything you see in the distance can be an interesting landmark and you'll find yourself making detours all the time even when you already had made up your mind to focus on the main story. Even if it's a wasteland, it's not just that. It's not empty at all.

I, tho, didn't like the metro gimmick at all. I mean, it looks like an open world game, but it really isn't, you have to get in the metro to access other areas. To be honest, an underground metro in a post post-apocalypse setting like is Fallout is something amazing in theory. Looks scary. Feels scary. It's an awesome idea. But it falls quickly to deliver what it meant and transforms into something just very annoying to traverse just to get to some other new place. Why can't I just go where I want or need in a straight line and deal with the consecuences of my actions by myself without having to lose a lot of time having to get inside the labyrinthic underground metro... That was the least I liked about this game...

But oh well, at the end of the day, Fallout 3 has quite a charm, despite its flaws. It's a game worth trying out.

Looks like Kiryu can't keep winning, huh? Yakuza 6 surprises with an intimate story to the level of Yakuza 3 best moments and serves as an introspection of Kiryu as a character. Finally we can see how he actually grows beyond his yakuza traits. This game is dedicated to him and him only and every plot theme is ultimately about how Kiryu really feels. It may have some lows and was definitely not what I expected from the first couple of hours but that doesn't mean it's not a much needed journey for any fan of Kazuma Kiryu. This really is that video game, that piece of media.

On the technical side, the Dragon Engine feels a little bit rough here with the presentation and gameplay is not as fun as in Kiwami 2 but it kind of work thanks to the amazing heat system of this one. It still looks amazing nowadays tho.

There's not much I can say without getting into spoilers but I just want to say it's a little bit sad the story probably doesn't hit as hard now than when it released back in the day because reasons. But it still hits quite hard. Anyways, hang in there.

Okayish story behind an amazing combat system with great bosses overall, a lot of characters to master, all of them different to use, an outstanding music and a very long endgame full of content that the devs are going to keep updating in the future or so they say. I was definitely not expecting it to be this good after the somehow controversial development. I'm quite happy with the results. I was not a Granblue Fantasy fan before this one and probably not going to play anymore for the moment but, yeah, very good. Cagliostro and Zeta main btw.

To be honest it's solid enough for an early access that's just released. It has content for many many hours, tho the endgame is kind of lacking. It's very fun to play and kind of addictive despite many bugs and some things completely broken especially playing with other people. Design wise it does some interesting things and I expect it to get better with time. I also hope Nintendo looks at this more than just to try to sue Pocketpair. I want another Legends game, y'know, liked the first one a lot.

A very charming platformer with nice camera and controls. Kind of a shame it's too short because I wanted more of it.

i would sell my kidneys to play this for the first time again



Fun game with crazy artistic design. Short and that's good. Very recommended.

Probably one of the best of this reboot saga for Super Mario Bros.

Kind of overrated story but also one of the most comfort and dynamic combat systems the franchise has seen so far.