61 reviews liked by ExclusiveJedi89

You guys were right. She didn't expect the Spanish inquisition. But at what cost...? Give her enough time to be a paying customer and she's the one giving a hell of a show. That whole industry is cooked. Speaking of cooking: she can cook a mean cake doe, who said that part sucks? Opinion rights revoked (I love u guys)! Toadsworth was indeed caught after bouts of hate speech in 2011. That's a sign of growth for Peach: the situation goes haywire and you think that of me?? No... I am the one who advises! Please note that not requiring all collectibles this time was also her idea. YES QUEEN 🙌

She's like "Go girl give us nothing 🥰" bruh nah BRUUUUH FR AINT NO WAY BLBLBL but come on it's a perfectly competent platformer 🤓 you are not in complete control of the theater kid for she of royal descent has to capture the audience's smiles. There is always something memorable to look forward to in every level! Like the full-scale offensive in Vietnam, and- oh good heavens, she got the quiet kid's favorite subjects. Still, she is pretty good at stopping what's usually grand theft and mass kidnapping. They're always taking her lightly... jokes on them, she will become Light itself if unsupervised and have a Kirby 64 ahh final battle (that was like, evangelion level of crazy oh my days i am shaking rn)

Peach is the true embodiment of Barbie's ethics. She has 10 part-time jobs and 0 exes. Good for her! The early spotlight is shed on her swordmaster gig, and she really mastered it for sure it almost feels like she's running on auto-pilot! As she craves more violence, we have other versions of her like kung-fu and power ranger where she shows what a white woman is made of when the new Animal Crossing resident is ugly. While one is the powerscaling to end all powerscaling, the other has overly simplified QTEs. Cowgirl Peach, however, is a whole nother Peach. That horse kinda overshadows her tbh but then she becomes a ninja and we cheered. She can either sneak around or find out... your choice.

Apart from Thief Peach, who's kinda swagging that british energy the rest are more laidback. Detective Peach also sports that british attire, I noticed a few unique ideas but overall not my thing. Ice skater and mermaid kind of fall into the same umbrella as she's girlpowering her way to stardom. Now, in most situations, there's one type of enemies and they're free kills to add to Peach's prison sentence. The bosses are cool however, some are really easy but they've got good gimmicks (albeit could be sped up a bit I ain't got all day). Nobody looked better than my Peach with the special dress, matching with my little pet star, we are being so dazzling on main.

Probablemente, el mejor JRPG de su generación (con permiso de Final Fantasy IX). Una historia absolutamente sublime, con un mundo, mitología y desarrollo de personajes jamás visto en un videojuego hasta el momento.
Supera con creces a sus sucesores Xenosaga y Xenoblade sin desmerecerlos.

xenogears is, at it's core, a game that feels incredibly ambitious; trying to be something so much more than it's able to be, in a way that almost circles back into covering up all the glaring flaws attached to it. this game has... quite a few issues; but i can't really say any of them really hurt my experience with it.. maybe even the opposite..! no matter how tedious, how confusing, how silly it got.. i really can't look back on this game with anything but a big ole smile.

Peak fiction 🔥🔥🔥 best story I've experienced in any game hands down and Fei is my favorite fictional character of all time

Xenogears: A masterpiece of role-playing

Xenogears is a role-playing game released in 1998 for the PlayStation. It was developed by Tetsuya Takahashi, Yasunori Mitsuda and Masato Kato and published by Square. The game tells the story of Fei Fong Wong, a young man who no longer remembers his childhood.
An incident causes him to become involved in a conflict that will change not only the world, but possibly the fate of all life.

Xenogears' story is one of the best things about the game.
It is extremely complex, profound and full of philosophical questions.
Tetsuya Takahashi draws on Nietzsche, Faust and Co.
The game covers themes such as religion, technology, freedom and human nature.

The characters in Xenogears are also very well developed.
Fei is a likeable protagonist who develops into a strong and confident man over the course of the game. The other characters are also interesting and diverse. They all have their own stories and motives that help enliven the world of Xenogears.

Xenogears' graphics are still impressive for a game from 1998. The game features a beautiful world with detailed environments and characters. The animations are also very good.

The music from Xenogears is still one of the best the games industry has to offer. The soundtrack was composed by Yasunori Mitsuda and is an absolute masterpiece. The music is emotional in every scene and fits the story and atmosphere of the game perfectly.

Overall, Xenogears is a role-playing masterpiece. It offers a complex and deep story, well-developed characters, a challenging combat system, impressive graphics and beautiful music. Xenogears is a game that every RPG fan should have played.

For me one of the best role-playing games of all time.

Xenogears: Ein Meisterwerk des Rollenspiels

Xenogears ist ein Rollenspiel, das 1998 für die PlayStation veröffentlicht wurde. Es wurde von Tetsuya Takahashi, Yasunori Mitsuda und Masato Kato entwickelt und von Square veröffentlicht. Das Spiel erzählt die Geschichte von Fei Fong Wong, einem jungen Mann, der sich an seine Kindheit nicht mehr erinnern kann.
Er wird durch einen Zwischenfall in einen Konflikt verwickelt, der nicht nur die Welt, sondern eventuell das Schicksal allen Lebens verändern wird.

Die Geschichte von Xenogears ist eines der besten Dinge am Spiel.
Sie ist überaus komplex, tiefgründig und voller philosophischer Fragen.
Tetsuya Takahashi bedient sich hier bei Nietzsche, Faust und Co.
Das Spiel behandelt Themen wie Religion, Technologie, Freiheit und die Natur des Menschen.

Die Charaktere in Xenogears sind ebenfalls sehr gut ausgearbeitet.
Fei ist ein sympathischer Protagonist, der sich im Laufe des Spiels zu einem starken und selbstbewussten Mann entwickelt. Die anderen Charaktere sind ebenfalls interessant und vielfältig. Sie alle haben ihre eigenen Geschichten und Motive, die dazu beitragen, die Welt von Xenogears zu beleben.

Die Grafik von Xenogears ist für ein Spiel aus dem Jahr 1998 immer noch beeindruckend. Das Spiel bietet eine wunderschöne Welt mit detaillierten Umgebungen und Charakteren. Die Animationen sind ebenfalls sehr gut.

Die Musik von Xenogears gehört bis heute zum besten was die Spiele Industrie zu bieten hat. Der Soundtrack wurde von Yasunori Mitsuda komponiert und ist ein absolutes Meisterwerk. Die Musik ist in jeder Szene emotional und passt perfekt zur Geschichte und Atmosphäre des Spiels.

Insgesamt ist Xenogears ein Meisterwerk des Rollenspiels. Es bietet eine komplexe und tiefgründige Geschichte, gut ausgearbeitete Charaktere, ein herausforderndes Kampfsystem, beeindruckende Grafik und eine wunderschöne Musik. Xenogears ist ein Spiel, das jeder Fan von Rollenspielen gespielt haben sollte.

Für mich eines der besten Rollenspiel aller Zeiten.

I'm like Citan the way I lie too easily.

The Goat
So if you dont like the words, peak fiction, goat, raw, fire, click off the video. cause im abouta use those words like 57 times

This game really makes you feel like a MAN, OF, THE SEA!!!

After around 4 years of me picking up and putting down this game... I finally decided to pick it back up around 50% in and finish it.

The game has an amazing story.

Riou, Jowy, and Nanami are highlighted throughout most of the game.

Luca Blight is a goated ass villain. Suikoden also makes shit feel like a real war.

All the characters that return from Suikoden 1 are great - especially Viktor and Flik. Those two are the fucking GOATS man. Then being able to get Tir McDohl, the protagonist from the last game??? That side quest was cool

I'd say the only issues with it is that it's Suikoden - there are 108 recruitable characters and it's hard to fully flesh out a ton of them, but even so, I still think the primary side characters in the main story had arcs to solidify them as good characters.

The gameplay is great as you can make broken set ups with the runes and have a bunch of combination attacks by using specific characters together. Getting to use Riou and McDohl at the end made regular encounters so easy. The only bad thing about the gameplay is war battles.

To end it off, that true ending was one of the most satisfying endings out of any RPG I've ever played.

Extremely well made game. It deserves its praise cause it's definitely one of the best RPGs ever created and easily one of the best on the PS1.