The most ambitious NES game ever made

Ehhhh, it’s better than SotD at least?
Ok but for real, I can definitely see why people would like this one, it has a lot of soul and doesn’t overstay its welcome.
But this is just not really what I enjoy about Suda51, overall it’s an ok game ig

Was definitely a lot more engaging then the base game, even if the pacing is still a tad wanky.
It doesn't really do much I haven't seen in other stories beforehand, but it's still proving to be an entertaining ride

Very much a well put together fan game with a lot of soul and love for the source material.
It does still very much feel like a fan game, but that's not necessarily a bad thing, this was a pretty fun time!

Decent character action game, didn't really give any shits for the story, but the combat was decently enjoyable for what it was.
It did feel a tad repetitive at times, but the game didn't overstay its welcome which I appreciate.

This is a weird one
It feels like there's a really great game hidden somewhere here, but the final package kinda just feels confused more then anything
Gameplay was fine, but the story just aimless, and not really in a good way
Has a cool style at least

The first 2 thirds or so were kinda just alright, it definitely feels a bit too derivative of To The Moon IMO, but I honestly think it made up with it with its final act, which ngl provided a conclusion I preferred to that of TTM.

I can see why this game is as popular as it is, Atmosphere is great, and bosses are always highlights, but I honestly think that as a Metroidvania is kinda falls flat in a lot of ways.
Still though, this was a lot of fun and very addicting to play.

Pretty good sequel! Definitely liked it more then the first.
It is kinda slow and a lot of plot point kinda just end up going nowhere, but the characters were fun and I really liked the ending.

As a Persona 5 fan, this was a treat!
Overall just a really fun time with some great characters!
It's definitely nothing particularly "essential", and it has a lot of the original game's issues, but still, a great time was had!
Zenkichi my beloved.


Fun RPGmaker games with solid puzzles and really creative imagery, visuals in general are definitely the highlight here, it's super creative.
Story was also fun, but nothing I really think will stick with me, still though a good time all around.


Really solid level pack! Doesn't really do much that other Dooms haven't, and it is pretty damn short, but still this was a good, well designed romp

This was a really damn good one man.
Gameplay was really fun with satisfying swing momentum based platforming, the pixelart was great, and the story tying it together, while dark, does have some fantastic sweat moments that really pull it all together

This was a nice little epilogue expansion to the original Lisa.
It kinda feels like it could've been a lot better if it was given a longer runtime, but still, I thought it was neat.

The most unabatedly based video game ever created