Really fun, solid, and creative platformer!
Probably my favorite of the main 4 Wario Land, mostly due to it looking and controlling the best.

Yeah, this didn’t really do anything for me sadly.
Gameplay was solid, but the story was a complete nothing burger, and the comedy was not to my taste at all.
At least there was some good music here and there

I just watched Mark applier play this, but it seeeeeemed pretty nitto

The story in this is way better then it has any right to be, it's by far the best thing to come out of the compellation

I mean, it's freaking Undertale, there's a reason this shit blew up

Big suprise, Umineko continues to prove itself to be an impeccable masterpiece, with yet another absolutely incredible Episode.
Cannot wait to see how it ends!

I mean, I feel like I don't really have much more praise to say I haven't said before, but yeah Umineko has been definitely worth the hype lol.
Only 2 more episodes to go!

An overall fun, if not overly remarkable time.
This is a very experimental game, which at time kinda just feels like a bunch of demos and gameplay ideas that don't get all too fleshed out, but for what they were, I did enjoy most of them

Kinda get why most folks don't really talk about this one as much as the other 2 in the series, it's a pretty samey sequel with some slightly better gameplay, but a less interesting story.
Was good enough, but very unremarkable imo

I mean, it's not "good", but I'd by no means say it's as bad as most make it out to be

I... honestly don't have much spoiler-free words.
That was just utterly brilliant from start to finish.
Had some weird pacing for sure, but MAN, when this Episode hits, IT. FUCKING. HITS.

The most unabatedly based video game ever created

A tad rougher design-wise when compared to the first pack, with some annoying level design and less interesting weapons, but it's still a really fun time with an actually cool final boss, even if a simple one.

It was aight, level design wasn't really all to interesting and it kinda just felt like more base Quake, which is still fun, just unremarkable.

Solid little Megaten spin-off, I did feel the difficulty was a bit steep, and I was really not a fan of the time limit, but yeah, that was pretty fun I guess