6 reviews liked by Exotic

sigh look, I appreciate what this game did for the industry, and I respect it greatly for everything it did for the first person shooter and despite what i'm about to say. I highly recommend trying the original Half-Life. I don't like this game. I do not. I feel like the enemy soldiers having hitscan and aimbot is incredibly unfair, every encounter i have with them leaves me with very little health on normal mode, and you can call this a skill issue all you want but I don't understand when a game has difficulty options, I decide to pick normal and the game bombards me with what I feel is cheap bullshit. The later levels suck, there's not a lot of indication on where to go because a lot of the architecture looks the same. I'm aware of Black Mesa and I'm certain at the very least I'll enjoy the other Half-Life games more, but this one just isn't for me. I'm sorry.

A Product of its time; 20+ years later you can't help but admire it.

GTA 3 was the pioneer of 3D sandbox and what was present in this game was actually a lot. We have certainly been spoiled with most sandbox games of today but going back to its roots you can find some appreciation albeit some frustrating experiences at their first take into the 3D Tech. Going from Vice to San Andreas to then GTA 3 you can see how much they have grown and improved and it's amazing how fast the adapted in one console generation. Story wise there isn't much here besides the usual GTA Whack someone and boom mission over. There were a lot more timed missions that I have remembered but it was a 50/50 for my enjoyment. No Map in menu which would make things easier but it was not too bad. There is a charm to play it but I would personally say it has not aged well in terms of Mechanics. Its certainly not a perfect game but it is a example of what was yet to come. I played this with the Definitive Project Mod installed (HD Textures, 60 FPS etc.) and I did not have any issues or errors for the game. It was smooth as butter but the only thing is that this game was probably designed at 30FPS prob so some unfortunate accidents may happen like your character going from 100 to 0 from a sidewalk edge lol. Should you visit this game? That depends if you are playing it for enjoyment or the history. I would say its a great time capsule to enjoy in bits but don't feel a burden if you were unable to beat it because it's a product of its time. This game concludes my GTA 3D Trilogy Journey. My other reviews will be on my profile.

It was pretty cool when Gordon Freeman did a backflip, snapped Breen's neck and saved the day.

A sexy woman narrates this game, calling out each clear type as you land it. If you are playing poorly and only clearing one line at a time, you will repeatedly hear her whisper “single” in your ear as you struggle to keep your head above water. This is one of the funniest jokes the medium of video games has ever told.

5/5 gameplay and song selection. 0/5 monetization. There's plenty of complaints about the ingame store already, but I'll add that it also steals your IAP gems. There's a pay to continue popup when you miss a beat. It's right where your fingers are. No confirmation when you accidently hit it.

[New Update] For casual players, try to only gold medal (5 stars+) the songs you love. It'll keep the game enjoyable when you eventually grind for deluxe songs.

I honestly can't decide whether this game is absolute fucking dogshit or a masterpiece.