68 Reviews liked by F0rceWielder

The first time I played it the entire back of my brain felt fuzzy. The second time I finished it my heart was THUMPING. Shotgun + Explosive rounds = classic.

Me queda poco para terminar el último final del juego (considerado el final "real"), pero puedo decir con seguridad que es un juego tremendamente desafiante, estresante y enfurecedor, que sabe ser confortante, relajante y tierno. Un worldbuilding increíble (con algo de espacio para mejorar) que da a una sensación de exploración muy gratificante y llena de emociones, pero también llega un punto que hace demasiado foco en las bossfights (especialmente en los DLCs), que son lo más injusto del juego y no siempre lo más gratificante.

De todas formas, es un juego que premia la paciencia y la aventura, y además crea un mundo vasto y empapado de su trágica historia de muerte, con monumentos, cementerios, fosas comunes, elegías, estandartes, montañas...

La música es increíble, cabe destacar. Christopher Larkin crea meticulosamente capa por capa músicas dinámicas que son ejemplares para compositores aspirantes, y capta a la perfección el tono melancólico que envuelve a Hallownest.

Juegazo. Detalles por aquí y por allá, pero es un juegazo. Pasarán los años y se hablará de este juego probablemente no como una estrella del videojuego, sino como un monumento titánico y como una carta de amor al plataformeo, la pangea de los videojuegos.

A bit too long for its own good, but out of the three remastered games, this is the one I enjoy the most. Combat’s even further improved, each character gets their own city to explore, and though it ends up being a bit convoluted, I much prefer how each character’s story intersects towards the end compared to Yakuza 4 (though damnit, we should have been able to play Haruka’s concert ourselves…)



Despite Quake’s age, it honestly holds up really well, especially now that it has an enhanced edition. The level design is excellent, and its gameplay is a blast, both literally and figuratively. I never got to play Quake back when it originally released, so I don’t have the nostalgia tied to a lot of players of the game but as a new player I can definitely say that I had a ton of fun with the game.

solid intuitive party game that is easy to play a few games of or a whole night's worth of

This has to be one of the worst remakes for a game ever.
It shipped as a horribly buggy mess without a title screen, finished music, online, cutscenes, or a postgame. It forces an update on the person that just paid $60 for it (the originals on DS were $40) half the size of the game so they wouldnt have to pay to ship cartridges with more storage which also means it will be impossible for someone to buy this game complete when Nintendo stops supporting the Switch's online services.
The art style is in my opinion lazy and uninteresting excused by it being a "faithful remake" despite it not being faithful to the original underground, contests, or game's fucking balancing. BDSP is soooo """"faithful"""" to the point that they just copied over Diamond and Pearl's code to use as a base, but also somehow managed to introduce even more glitches into it too. Also i guess just fuck every single thing Platinum did to make Sinnoh an actually good region because all they include from Platinum is the new Pokemon, but only in the new areas of the underground. They spit in the face of one of my most beloved Pokemon games, taking out any of it's many improvements to the story, characters, post game, and balancing for the sake of faithfulness to the versions of Sinnoh that nobody prefers.
This game is what happens when you barely pay an outsourcing studio to make a whole Pokemon level remake in only 19 months. A complete waste of time for both the developers and players. It hurts me to think that this game sold over 14 million copies, worst case scenario they'll do they same fucking song and dance for Black and White because they know it sells.

Actively playing through this, albeit very slowly since it's only in Japanese.

made like kirby's always been in 3D. weirdly good environmental design

gotta play more; a little confusing at times

foi muito bom finalmente ter tido minha primeira experiência com Spyro, e eu realmente gostei bastante.

This review contains spoilers

Currently writing this at chapter 12 and so far, amazing game. I couldn't wait to write about this game after Luis' death just because of how beautifully written his final words were. It was short but powerful, as Leon helps light the cigarette in Luis mouth as he sits there lifeless, Luis says that he has lived a shitty life, but he says to Leon "People can change, right?" which sums up Luis and his whole redemption story completely.

Now, finishing the game I can confidently say that is the scariest game I have played albeit I don't play any horror games however I might have to start. This game is very cliche with a lot of pretty easy to expect moments, like when Luis dies, but this does not take away from the story or horror much. The environment that is built up paired with the score always left me on the edge of my seat and my hands sweating as I slowly traverse this game. The first sequence where you explore the house made me have to leave and come back another day cause I was tweaking out, however after I came back with a few friends to watch me I entered the next area and they watched me get fucked by the enemies over and over until I turned the difficulty down to normal and even then I ran out of ammo but me and my friends all exclaimed after realising I just had to survive for a certain amount of time. Every special infected that was introduced always made my heart pound as I fearfully cleared that section of infected. Each new area was a treat to explore and the weapons were fun to use. The mechanics were simple but enjoyable and the boss fights were all good. Especially Krauser, even though it was quite an easy boss fight, as I was walking through the ruins, running into traps, having Krauser jump at you randomly kept me on edge. This is what the game does perfectly. Keep you on edge. The story was quite a basic rescue story with a few interesting moments, like when Ashley got taken control of and ran away, however the plot was carried but the characters, Ashley being the only one I disliked and Hunnington was not alive long enough </3. The lore was interesting in how the place was made and the backstory of all the people who you fight, the game allowed you to invest time into knowing the backstories of each boss, but you also had the choice not to and just play the game. When finally getting to Luis' lab it was bittersweet being able to see more into Luis' backstory and seeing how much he wanted to redeem himself. There are no real side quests in this game and the blue missions kind of take away from the environment, kill 3 rats? This did not take away from the big moments however. I shit myself when the chainsaws came through the wall in the warehouse against that spider chainsaw thing. The part where you run through the hallways and you hear clammering on the metal above from the Verdugo freaked me out. On top of that, I have never experienced fear like I did when I ran into the first Regenerador. Shit, I never ever experienced a shiver down my spine like I did when I saw that thing. The suspense was perfectly driven as you read the files about a monster that never dies and you hear the eerie sounds from the room it resided in. My hands were shaking as my heart pounded and I ran the opposite way and anytime I turned the corner and saw it I was still terrified. Overall a great horror game, I have never played any other RE games so being my first one, it was a great introduction to the RE universe.

Fun, but I absolutely dislike the forced pokemon go-esque catching mechanic. Not really that accessible for anyone with a disability. Great art style.

stressful, runs a liiiiittle badly on switch (for the endless mode), but innovative and worth iterating on

watched it; seems fine enough. dunno if the gameplay looks polished to the degree that i'd consider it a better starting place than 4 or 3

I will never see moths the same way again