13 reviews liked by FANTAstic541

Meditative visually pleasing sorting of things with a tiny bit of character`s story, soundtrack is average.

There's not much to say about this masterpiece, except that I never saw myself calling a God of War game, CUTE!

Really pretty art, but rage quit after the crazy tree climb racing the water.



injecting alien cum through my eye made me able to pick up a fridge

Incredibly hard game to rate. From a technical aspect, the game is a class of its own. When it comes to graphics, gameplay, animations, etc it is unmatched. I would say the story is good overall with lots of glaring flaws, pacing being the worst of them. Certain portions of the game are way too long. The first game showcased a ton of locations across America which led to large environmental variety, Part II suffers from mostly being set in a single city with the same environment over and over. It's a great game, but doesn't come close to the bar the first set.

Hands down the best 3D Mario game. Eat your heart out Galaxy.

I totally get why Mario is considered THE Video Game Character after this.

I like playing with brown bricks in my crap.