I'm a little miffed that the DLC does nothing to change the ending despite all that the narrative built up and implied about Clive becoming a complete vessel.

Ignoring that though, this DLC was good. The only unfortunate thing to come out of this honestly is the fact I can't continue my track record of getting all the trophies for XVI because the Kairos combat trial is too hard and time-consuming for me.

I loved the grunge cell-shaded style and how satisfying missions were. I just wished there was more substance. Definitely should've had more variety and more mini games to break things up.

This game is really fucking fun if you can get past the infrequent crashes and mild (but still annoying) bugs.

*Granted you have a group of 3-4 ppl willing to play

9.5/10. It's literally almost perfect but still a vast improvement of Yakuza: Like A Dragon.

Spider-Man 2 is the perfect example of why new isn't always better.

Throughout my playthrough, I experienced 3 crashes and 9 softlocks. Couple that with one of the trophies being impossible to get in the post-game (Slack Line) and I concluded that this is hands down one of the most unpolished, rushed current-gen games from Sony's first-party studio.

The story is also just mediocre all around. The first Act is just extremely boring with nothing of note happening besides finding out a bunch of villains getting killed off-screen by some jobber named Kraven. Speaking of which, having Kraven be one of the central antagonists of the game had to have been one of the worst decisions they could've made because Kraven just so happens to be the most uninteresting and flat villain in Spider-Man's rogues gallery.

Venom could've saved this story and to be honest, he almost did. Unfortunately, the entire symbiote invasion just turns the last two hours of the game into complete and utter babble where the main goal turns into retrieving some thingamajig so that the other guy can't have the thingamajig.

Now as for gameplay, it's one of the most positive things I can say. It is fundamentally just the gameplay of Spider-Man Miles Morales which was already solid. New combat abilities are great and the new traversal techniques are fine additions. However, what is dull are the side activities which somehow feels like has less content than the first game despite having a bigger map, which just makes New York feel unnecessarily empty. The villain side quests are especially disappointing. They either A) End with you kicking their ass once and then fucking off, never to be brought up again, or B) End with you not even fighting them at all, the villain escaping, and then unexplainably is never a threat again.

I wanted to like this (and trust me I fuck with Marvel comics and Spider-Man media heavy) but this is just immensely disappointing. Makes sense why this shit didn't win any awards now. 💀💀💀

The moment the credits rolled I audibly said "Ok."

I think my main problem with this game is that nothing really happens for the vast majority of the story and then they kinda just throw every plot-important thing at the end.

It's deflating honestly. It's to the point where I didn't even know the game was gearing up to end until I got the "this is a point of no return" pop-up.

I mean atleast the open world gameplay loop was fun enough to motivate me to see this through to the end.

zzzzzzz mimimimimimimim zzzzzzz mimimimimimimimimi

The game's fun to play but terrible to progress. Having to complete a subset of arbitrary challenge requirements to unlock new levels isn't something I'd call enjoyable.

I don't know why devs feel the need to pad out shit by assigning unfun chores just to see more of the game.

Super inspired indie game. It's main gimmick is a bit repetitive but they use it in really clever ways that I could really appreciate. The boss battles, OST, and some of the character interactions (namely with Chicory) REALLY carry this game.

Also yes, this is yet another indie game that's secretly about depression and anxiety. It's one of the good ones though, trust.