selfish deed is not freedom.

worst western box art of all time

would be good if it was finished

this game costs money but has a fortnite store

when i first played it it was days before tge game got majorly reworked and rebalanced and felt 90x worse afterwards

the worst game i have ever played in my life please don't waste your time

like 40 characters who dont fight with their hands being given awkward fighting game normals

what if the colorful humorous world of jak 1 became dark and evil and fucked up and jak talked now and he says hell and damn and im gonna kill praxis and now he also drives hover bikes and shoots guns

makoto date is voiced by the guy who does goofy the dog

frame data that changes based on the defenders breathing animations

M'aiq knows much about The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim - Special Edition.
M'aiq thinks it is bad.