Really enjoyable FPS! Was surprised how much I enjoyed the story, and the gameplay was fun with well placed autosaves!

I really wanted to like this, but I was often lost on what the game/AI wanted me to do. I would try to ask the AI, and most of it's responses came out of nowhere. Some of the posters would be blurry no matter where I stood.

Fun idea! Ship was more detailed and larger than I thought it'd be! Got repetitive during a quest, so had no interest to keep playing.

The translation has gotten a lot better! But scenes don't flow into each other and feel very disjointed, with no build up to the relationships.

I went in knowing what to expect and I enjoyed it for what it is: clearing tables and hurriedly turning off things that make sound. Gets repetitive, so I'm not going to finish it.

Started strong, but was hoping for a different twist. Wish there was a faster walking speed/skip to next area for the later chapters.

Meme game that I couldn't get into.

Pretty, but the controls felt awkward (possibly inverted?), and just didn't have the motivation to finish it.

I love the idea of having to match up your actions with what the prosecution has proof of. Wanted to play more but glitched out of the building. Might come back to it one day!

Really enjoyable side scrolling base builder! More addictive than I thought it would be!

Didn't really get invested in the story enough to want to keep playing, and it felt a bit cheesy.

Interesting spooky walking sim. I wanted to keep playing, but the headbob was making me nauseous and I got stuck in a room.

Painful. The story starts abruptly on Day 6, simple sentences and a fight is over in a blink of an eye before any tension is created. But we're supposed to care that a character is hurt. It feels like being dumped into the middle of an already ongoing story, but I tried restarting a new game multiple times, nope this is it. No thanks.

I was enjoying this, but the audio completely stopped working. And as listening is a part of the game, I've stopped playing. Would like to come back to it though!

My name is Frodo, and I conquered Mount Doom. (Besides a bit of frustrating moving forward-which fit with the theme I chose in my head, I never got lost and I enjoyed the Journey.)