Supreme visually, too safe mechanically.

A cash-grab. Pure and simple.

Smaller and less expansive than the Ultimate Ninja Storm branch, but somewhat more enjoyable.

Back when Naruto games had some actual visual flair, as opposed to the perfect mimesis of the newer generation.

I can't believe I actually played this.

It's a testament to how endlessly expressive the combat system felt to me that I dedicated hours upon hours to creating absolutely meaningless original questlines for this game.

The definitive Dissidia experience.

All foreplay, no proper finishing - whether it's the Master League or the actual football matches.
The logical antithesis to FIFA.

Pretty good at the "putting the ball in the rectangle thingy" bit and hollow in every other aspects.

The greatest sin Untitled Goose Game commits is to be unfunny. What then ?

There's more to aesthetics than a coat of paint. Yet that's exactly what Void Bastards is.

World made it possible for me to say something I never would've imagined in relation to Monster Hunter.

"I'm too old for this shit".

An online experience for the ages.

And memorable underwater battles.

What the Vanishing of Ethan Carter lacks in backbone it makes up for in atmosphere and through a willingess to indulge in grim, almost ritualistic violence.

"The legs are gone."

Transgressive in name only, yet wholly committed to its game design. I like it.