Circular hole of self-indulgent blandness.

A donut in a donut in a donut.

An artistical promise that still leaves me wondering what could have been.

The violence of its politics makes it a difficult object to love - and dismiss.

You can't just stick every monster imaginable to the backbox hoping for it to make a game. Bloated homage.

A marginally better take on the worst game I've ever played.

The miracle of Fallout 3 is only further reinforced when I play its successor, an incoherent game not even modding could save.

A game that understands the trauma of being born in time for the internet era.

Easily Bloober Team's most - or only - interesting work.

The Subspace Emissary alone elevates the enterprise to weird videogame epic by peering behind the toybox aesthetic. The most interesting game of the franchise, by a country mile.

Mained Lucario & Snake.

Needs a writer. And probably some level-designers.

I feel personally attacked when games are this toothless.

It's a beautiful thing, to be in space.

Chaos, Cosmos, harmony or balance, little matter. Just throw Cecil against Exdeath in the Emperor's Pandemonium and watch pure magic happen.

That's a freakin' crossover for you.

Yes, the lore is great and the combat a tense affair, but it's the sense of physicality and labour, the way Dark Souls is able to convey the depth of its obsessions that brings me back to Lordran every time.

A Champions League final on amphetamine, that works.

Just the right amount of agency against the unforgiving nature of the environment. Mark of the Ninja plays like killing elevated to painting. Neat.