Notable for being the most recent game to fall victim to the whole "polygon ceiling" phenomenon in how it's just not really as good as the first, 2D game. Otherwise? It's still pretty decent. I tend to more remember the conversations I've had with the friends I was playing with than the game itself, but there are worse things to be than a vector for some friendly talk.

Doesn't actually have anything to do with the weather, if you can believe it.

Other roguelike / arena shooters wish they were Monolith. Enter The Gungeon? Nuclear Throne? They're okay. Monolith is where it's at, though.

Here's a crazy idea; imagine if all of those soulless deckbuilding games on Steam had some kind of POINT to them. Imagine if that point was about games themselves. Imagine if it actually had an interesting story that you could get invested in. Wouldn't that be nuts?

Anyway play Inscryption, best card game of the 20s so far.

Made me like fighting games for the first time in my life. My understanding is that's pretty much what it was supposed to do, so, mission accomplished.

Now THIS is a game. Maybe I'm biased, because I haven't played a ton of survival horror in my time, but I found this incredibly engrossing; the characters, the atmosphere, even the combat (which does admittedly take some getting used to as someone who did not grow up with Resident Evil and such).

I wanted to like this a lot more than I did. It should be hard to make a game about giant robots feel so boring, but they managed it somehow.

If you can find a copy of Mech Commander II, the RTS, play that instead.

3 1/2 stars with the sound off. 0 with it on. I have never played another game that seems so relentlessly determined to annoy you out of enjoying it as this one. But hey, the guns are cool.

The fact that I have almost 100 hours in this is a testament to the fact that "number of hours played" is not a good metric for measuring how much you liked something. I think if you put a gun to my head and told me to say something about Starbound that wasn't "Terraria in space" I'd be dead in an instant.

I like the main character's design.

The fact that random fruits like pears and such are rare artifacts in this game is hilarious and also does a lot of implied worldbuilding.

Of Paradox's 4X games of the last decade, this is definitely the most "it's okay I guess" of all of them.

Also, the fanbase creeps me out.

Have you ever wanted an open world Dark Souls game? Here you go.

Related note: Ranni is MY wife. Everyone else you see on the internet is lying.

A bad fake-haiku for you:

Pebble hits blue frog,
blue frog explodes
in a mere instant -
a game over is achieved

Essentially a straight upgrade over the first game. Probably the best action platformer-roguelite I've played overall. Also; the character designs in this game are super cute. Not sure about those cavemen, though.