Really good addition to the Uncharted franchise!
The sexual tension between these two is off the charts tho holy shit

After putting almost 2000 hours in this game -

The gameplay is smooth. Truly, it's so fun sliding around, using the abilities and shooting guns that feel good. The characters in this battle royale are off the charts good. Each one is fleshed out with their own personality, story, abilities and everything else. I would say the characters (and story) is one of the highlights of this game.

The bad -
The microtransactions and the COST for them is fucking insane. I don't know what's going on but its gotten worse as time has gone on. I was there from day one and I have to say I really miss the days where things were just simple.

I get that they have to make money on a F2P game but the way they are doing it now just does NOT look good.

I don't really enjoy Fallout/Skyrim like games but this was honestly not that bad. A bit clunky and a little boring imo but I can tell they have a really special world that they put a lot of thought into.

This game was really fun. I loved the dual dungeon crawling and shop keep bit. Really enjoyed my time with this game

By far the most gorgeous pokemon game graphically

the crocodiles in this game are literally so scary

It's not bad nor is it amazing. just overall "decent" game. Kinda pissed they didn't just make a platinum remake but for what this is, it does the job well

After playing the first back when it released, this game was absolutely worth the wait for me.

Everything is pretty much improved. The gameplay is SO satisfying. I like all the individual characters. The new areas they have you visiting and the new machines they have you fight against are breathtaking. The story is grand and honestly really great from start to finish.

This really is just a simply pretty game. Like the graphics are just GORGEOUS. They kept Aloy sassy (and dare I say they made her even sassier in this game) which is good.

I really found myself just sinking hours into the game and it really never ever ended up feeling boring or dull.

The set up at the end for the third game really makes me I could fast forward time to see what the F is gonna happen.


why is this game where you play as a cat making me cry

my pookie leon is having such a bad day, he needs a hug

first time ever playing a GOW game and it did not disappoint

didnt really vibe with this game but it's getting three stars because I am in love with Sadie

The voice acting is laughable (no really, it made me laugh my ass off) the dialogue is weird but its like bad in a good way

I appreciate what they were trying to do here tho! The gameplay is decent