Really didnt like the jokes, only two made me laugh, very pretty game, the best way to summarize my experience is, in the get rich ending i had to mute the sound effects because i would break down crying if i heard because im too autistic for this shit, more of a me problem but yeah idk, wish i was playing muramasa

This happened to my buddy named Federico Carminati

深夜2時 均一なループ


無意識に握り返す 指先に小さな愛(ラブ)

いつまで見れる どこまで行ける


弱くて儚い 握力ゼロのhands


この手を振りほどき 背中を乗り越え


泣き虫で いくじなしで


いつかは来る サヨナラが来る


嘘色染めゆく 醜い世界は


それでも 立ち向かう

小さな正義を 絶対誰かがみてるから

いつまで見れる どこまで生ける


汚れなく暖かい 握力ゼロのhands

大丈夫さ この手は

俺の手振りほどき 背中を乗り越え


The final twist is so cheap, but i like it so muuuch

The final fight and cutscenes are really fucking good, best thing that came out of the series, the gameplay isnt very good, the jobs feel kinda samey and area attacks dont work excluding essences and ichiban's mega and giga swings, but its really fun when all the animations work and its all pretty.

the story of ijincho isnt very good, the way the ijin 3 are presented before the twist is very poorly written in context, but overall its cute, the arakawa gumi part is amazing, the tojo and omi part in chapter 12 is a really good ending for the series, this makes me dont really get why its so targeted at newcomers in the west, its as much as an ending to the series as 6, its the ending and reborn of yakuza, so its really dumb...

i love ichiban but the other party members really didnt do it for me, nanba has great chemestry with the cast, but his story is a really bad case of show dont tell, saeko and adachi are fine, han is okay and i love his party talks and table chats, zhao is wathever(they wasted the hottest character in the game), i fucking hate eri, bussiness manegment as a whole feels like a mistake, cleary trying to emulate the internet sucess that the side business in yakuza 0 had, but it really dosent work with the story and the setting at all

The localization is worse than the remasters, kiwami and 0-6, i played all the other games with english subs, occasionally changing to korean(my main language) and japanese, but this has some really weird localizations, the worst of all is the ryūdō-Ikka, that was translated as ryudo family, this can be easly confused with the ryudo gumi from yakuza 3, even if its written very very diffently and also dont having even the same pronunciation, thats a pretty major mistake that should have recieved more backlash, also some other minor things that are pretty weird, for example, they don't localize an "daisuki" as "I love you" but doing some weird pun, i looked back this part with korean subs and the i love you is there, pretty weird, there are a lot of this little things like this in the game, this minor mistakes are not much, just me nitpicking but is kinda of a stepdown for the series, but the things with ryudo are really bad

i would give it a 8, but it has really some atrocius post game grinding, i think some people might like that, but it isnt for me at all

The main thing that made me love some parts of this game is that is really a story that could only be told as a turn based jrpg

overall a pretty good game


No words can express how much i love this game

Me, im zero, im delta

Edit: years after playing, i think this has become my favorite one in the series???? I remember it so fondly wtf, upping the score from 2.5/5 to 4/5 for the moment

The gamestop lady gave to me for free when i bought an wii u, it was nice

I have too many hours in this game

Its fuuuun, love both of the campains, and baird is cute