172 Reviews liked by FluorideChugger

This might be my favorite party game ever. Get a good group of friends and you can have countless hours of fun setting up increasingly difficult levels to try and prevent your friends from reaching the end. It’s pure joy reaching the end of a level nobody else could or accidentally combining insane traps that react in unpredictable ways. Even after getting all the trophies, I still play this game on a regular basis because it’s that fun.

back when game devs actually cared about the shit they put out

Extremely short but very solid. The superhot format adapts perfectly to VR and makes for a natural extension of everything seen in the original game. The simplified graphics work perfectly for the standalone oculus hardware and guest mode makes for a cool experience when showing your friends VR.

Something interesting is how this game works as an argument for piracy. Being sold a $25 game that lasts 1 hour and where the devs simply decided to censor content on a forced update just makes you think about getting the unpatched version through other means. The fact that a 2016 game this short and simple is still a top 10 VR game just shows the sad state of the whole VR niche.

Neat idea, falls majorly short due to the lack of song selection, generally lackluster generic EDM music, lack of modding support and it doesn't commit very hard to being a rhythm game, not really punishing you for not shooting on rhythm

it's very much the definition of background game to pass the time while listening to a podcast or something. retarded story and characters with rather uninteresting missions but a somewhat fun core gameplay

that said it's filled with weird design choices that seem to contradict each other. it's a parkour/climbing game but after like 15 seconds of running your stamina runs out, then the entire platforming aspect of it gets thrown out of the window once the hook gun gets in the picture. it's also a melee focused game but you die in a few hits while the enemies are tanks that take forever to die, then you unlock the stomp instakill skill and suddenly melee weapons are pointless. game puts you in situations where you're supposed to think fast but then you have to enter to the pause menu to craft medkits (with a timeout screen at that) in the middle of a fight
many people complain about the final scene being a qte but i find it better than yet another garbage tier boss fight like the big zombie and the machete guy ones

Shocked that this is considered underrated by some. Maybe my least favorite Resident Evil game I've ever played.

Very dull environs and dialogue ... weak characterizations .... awful level design. Subpar cooperative experience. Big step down from Revelations 1, which I was already lukewarm about.

They hired Hoyte von Hoytema as a cinematography consultant, and for the opening D-Day levels it really shows.

I think it's sad for video games to still be chasing """"cinematics"""" in vain attempts to gain prestige because I think it highlights a thorough misunderstanding of what makes each of those respective mediums unique and special. BUT. Kudos for a game for at least admitting they need help in making their game look like a movie and working with someone who knows what they're doing. This game was lit to the tits. Shame it was written like an Allied propaganda, WWII-themed Fortnite weekend event.

Please shut the fuck up about this mid game you've never played and touch grass.

heartbreaking: the worst person you know has an airdash

Aside from the terrible launch this is just another souls game with a open world gimmick the open world is well designed but ultimately the game falls apart quickly in the endgame tons of reskinned enemies and bosses show up and late game bosses are really badly designed fights like fire giant and the final boss have really bad camera issues and you end up not being able to see what's going on lol

"Congratulations! Getting together with your fellow drivers really motivates you to lose, doesn't it?"

Gran Turismo 7 is finally here and it's just GT Sport with a dynamic weather system, a car upgrade menu, a barebones campaign in the form of Cafe mode+license tests and an extremely predatory attempt at a service-oriented game.

Of course the game at its core is very solid, the driving model feels really good and despite the lap time grind, driving line focused ideas it has, it handles really well on a controller. But this is nothing new for people who come from Sport. Most of the content is straight up ported from the last game, I've only really seen 3 tracks and a handful of cars that are actually new. More should come in the future according to the roadmap.

The only real upgrade in this regard is that changing car parts is a new thing and feels really good, each part having a direct, tangible effect on how the car drives and sounds, it feels like more than just "speed goes up".

Cafe is the main mode and gives the game an unfinished feeling. Campaign is a bunch of races where you get a few cars and then compete in a championship, over and over. It walks you through a few car brands and then it just ends at 700pp. No group 1 or 2 races and just a couple 3/4 events. It's pointless to get any of the le mans cars or the VGT ones, or GR.2, or racing ones. There's no post game, no progression past getting the early game free shitboxes. ALL main events are rolling start races where you start maybe 30 seconds behind the lead and you have to catch up, dodging the terrible AI that hasn't been upgraded since the PS3 days. Makes me wonder where's the so advertised sophy AI, and why would they release the game without this.

Another well-advertised addition was the 'music rally' mode which is literally just a time trial with a specific song in the background (???). I don't know what they were going for. Soundtrack is nice but many tracks were just ported from sport, and many of those were just recycled from the older games. I still like the songs however.

Economy is downright awful, the outrage it caused within the community is very much justified, but despite the polyphony team coming up with a statement that they'd undo payout changes from the last update, there's more to its issues than just the payouts being lowered on purpose to encourage people to buy credits.
The only way to get cars older than 2000 is either waiting for them to be on the 'legend' store or on the 'used cars' store. Modern hypercars are locked behind 'invitations' that can be gotten through roulette spins. All of these make getting any iconic vehicles time-based to encourage MTX purchases.

Game lacks the polish Sport had (which to be fair, probably took many updates to achieve, idk, I got the game in 2020) and features quite a few bugs, and framerate dips well below the 60 fps target on PS4. There are visual glitches on certain tracks that weren't there before and the UI has some baffling UX choices despite the pretty menus, this seems to be a constant in the newer games.

There's no point in getting this game right now, no point in spending 60/70 burgers on this. It took them 2 years to make Sport worthwhile and it will probably take them even more time to fix this. GT7 is undercooked, it should not have been released on this state, it's the shortest in the series, it offers nothing new, the DRM is invasive, and what's sadder, there's a great game hidden under the absolute bullshit choices by the developer/publisher.

If you really want a GT game just get Sport for $10 or whatever, you'll get a far more polished package which includes like 80% of what 7 offers anyways. Don't be like me and arrive early to a party that hasn't started and where you don't know who will actually show up.

Brazilians should get region locked from the rest of the internet

This is very hard for me to write about things in this game my feelings are all over the place it's hard for me to accurately write something about it that will sound unbiased. I have played a lot of these types of games and I will say that none have a presentation like this game. Riding around on your horse seeing the landscape it's all cool the music I think is one of the things I think that's also really improved from other titles. The restrictions on powerstancing as well as weapon arts doing damage and being worth a damn is another. However, enemy and boss design seems to have taken a massive step back in terms of challenge, fairness, and fun if you're playing solo with no spirits. If you're summoning spirits at every opportunity you should be fine as the aggro from the boss ping pongs back and forth gives you time to heal but it seems that doing it solo would just be a pain in the ass. Some bosses can animation cancel and have can extend their hits after a successful dodge effectively punishing you for playing well. Another issue is some of the recycled content. Some bosses early are just reskinned enemies with a big health bar this also did happen in bloodborne but that was more due to how chalice dungeons worked here it's more prevalent. Especially some like falling star beast. Near the end of the game, most of the things you're faced against have major HP bloat even with my weapons at their max it felt like I wasn't doing enough damage. There are major issues with this game and that's not going into the actual performance issues, or how the engine being stretched to its limit I think is causing some of the actions to be queued a second later which feels like input lag. It's not a bad game but if you've played DS3 or Bloodborne all the issues those games had feel amplified here. Armor is still just as useless enemies are hyper-aggressive but you're not at bloodborne speed to counter it. I keep hoping that fromsoft makes a game where the challenge is tied to you being on equal terms with the enemy and sekiro seemed a step in the right direction. the game asks you to learn its combat system and adapt and in doing so you get a slick tight action game. Here is much more feels like the game is asking you to use everything to your advantage and while yes the basic gameplay is solid it's a souls game it always will be summoning spirits and taking turns sharing aggro doesn't feel as fun as the soul of cinder, kalameet, or Sir alonne. I can tell though this will either get a sequel or something from is making massive amounts of money on this I would hope this would be the end as it feels like Miyazaki and the team want to make an action game and i just hope that's what they do I think they shouldn't put out another one of these if only because it feels like they want to switch entirely. People who started with this game will enjoy it and I'm happy for them I wish I could enjoy it more.

Yakuza 6 also known as "Who pumped and dumped my daughter?"
Remember kids, use a condom.

Hey do you remember this plot point/music/characters/armours/weapons from Dark Souls? Yeah we have it here as well and it's pointless